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Korea economy is divided into two stages, while the once suffered a serious crisis. Quote: from 1961 to 1978 the average annual GNP growth rate of 9%, in 1996 the per capita GDP of $10763, ranked eleven in the world, into the advanced ranks in the world in the automotive, electronics, shipbuilding and other major heavy chemical industry field, 13 large enterprises Samsung, modern, Daewoo rank the top 500 list of the world. Many large companies in Korea developed at the end of the century to become the world's top 5, the top 10 aspiring plan. But the financial crisis in Southeast Asia to South Korea's economic weakness completely unmasked, become the financial earthquake stricken area. Large enterprise collapse, including Daewoo, Halla, Jinro, Han Bao, KIA, Newcourt, bankruptcy, 11 among the top 30 enterprises.

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