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[6806] [cover] uproar and lonely China weekly reports of ...
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is the film broken heart

invested 4000000 yuan of the "Empress Dowager" eventually to recover the cost of. In the pictures, the film on the avenue transcripts almost no loss of film. "Temporary dad" investment 830000 yuan, "supernumerary husband" investment 120>

1994 year, the SARFT decide the annual imports of ten foreign movies. The move brought great shock to the domestic film. Some smaller private television company terminated the movie business. In 1995, the Chen Peisi movie "Empress Dowager", specifically for the market to start a series of planning will. In the movie "the Empress Dowager" plan book, he called "the first Chinese New Year film" banner, than Feng Xiaogang's "Party A Party B" as early as three years.

Chen Peisi made "temporary dad" state monopoly for purchase and marketing in the Chinese film the last look at film; to the second movie "supernumerary husband", he was carrying a piece of cylinder kowtow everywhere. He said: "in the original company of state monopoly for purchase and marketing into 30 provinces and autonomous regions distribution. A grandfather to 30 grandpa."

film company was first established,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/web-xby/news/new-balance-outlet-560.html">ニューバランス アウトレット</a> http://www.puda-international.com/web-xby/news/new-balance-outlet-560.html, just to catch up with the issue of reform of the mechanism about the movie introduced document 3. China film company no longer state monopoly for purchase and marketing of domestic film. Like other major studios, such a small private company avenue to her began to run issue.

2010 the beginning of the year, in the guest, Beijing TV chat show "glorious bloom", the host asked Tian Ge: "row drama bitter not bitter?" Chen Peisi said: "it is a day of boil, day by day, the same as ordinary people." Tian Ge said: "how can so miserably?"

2011 years, Chen Peisi left the show 13 years away from the stage, the film circle has 14 years. Ten years of silence, Chen Peisi to do only one thing: do drama.

China magazine reporter Zhang Zhuo Beijing reported


2006 years later in December 14th, in the Shandong hall, Chen Peisi starred in the stage comedy "child care" staged.

was in the 1990's and Chen Peisi cooperation "," shooting "temporary dad supernumerary husband" director Chen Guoxing last saw him, was at a party to celebrate the China films, Chen Peisi son of Chen Jiang's father to attend to the identity. Chen Guoxing said: "the pace ah, come back to shoot a movie, do not exhaust the drama." Chen Peisi felt his head with a smile, "hey hey" did not say what, Chen Guoxing saw his eyes flashed "obviously a bit sour".

Chen Peisi from the famous comedian into the boss, 1993. That year,<a href="http://www.larotec.com/new/pdf/bottega-veneta-outlet-760.html">ボッテガヴェネタ 店舗</a> http://www.larotec.com/new/pdf/bottega-veneta-outlet-760.html, he incorporated the avenue studios, a dedicated "around their" comedy production chain.

2008 years of Chen Peisi, Zhu Shimao returned to the Spring Festival evening. However, instead of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, but Beijing TV gala.
[6805] culture  | where daddy go reality, also see th...
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daughter "as two people love, say without mincing words named Wen Aima." "Dong Jie Bai Baihe, postpartum hotter than a girl." "Ada Choi is 39 years old to have two children,<a href="http://02e7084.netsolhost.com/images/graph/gucci-baggu-outlet-30406.html">グッチ財布</a> http://02e7084.netsolhost.com/images/graph/gucci-baggu-outlet-30406.html, the queen orders Zhang Jin body." "Li Xiang customers pregnant flavor." "Deng Chao Sun Li wearing rings of the moment, she said choking: will you be nice to me, I'm standing here is the two person." "Tong Dawei's wife gave birth to a daughter, the netizen comments: This Tong Dazhen great!"......
the numerous entertainment news, just like in life as the barrage, year after year flew from the public eye. Over time the gossip heap, an important message of precipitation down -- more and more stars we run for parents.
the other end, since the childhood starstruck 80 after generation, also officially ushered in the spring tide of fertility. Application of by both sides, suddenly reached a new resonance in childcare issues. The entertainment industry developed certainly will not miss this golden opportunity, look at the screen, I do not know when, mother war has given way to a small doll - "children of difficult to raise", "hot mama.", "small Daddy", "child slavery", "baby"...... Drama, is a handsome dad mom.
stardom also after the day after day, "I want my life to bloom, quietly put out the microphone," Daddy where to go to "," good "and" Bad Dad Dad Dad forward "," gas station "," Dad Dad spell it "and" baby sees you "," tonight I alone "...... Full screen eyeful is Charlie's angels. see stars to see the truth of

The crystallization of

there are so many stars in the PA resources, will not worry about program mode was copycat? In this regard, director Xie Dikui replied confidently: "mode can be copied, only a sincere."

reporter, que Zheng

so many parent-child reality show, Hunan satellite TV's "Daddy where to go to" the most fire. On 5 time, popularity steadily bullish, every Friday night 10 point has a loyal following in front of the TV, make it at the same time period topped the ratings champion.
the first attraction is of course "star + star two generation" mode. 5 groups of father and son Jimmy Lin & first quarter; small chi (Kimi), Guo Tao & Guo Zirui (stone), Wang Yuelun & Wang Shiling (Angela), Tian Liang & Tian Yucheng (Cindy),<a href="http://www.ugpulse.com/events/images/hermes-baggu-outlet-103.html">エルメスバック</a> http://www.ugpulse.com/events/images/hermes-baggu-outlet-103.html, Zhang Liang & Yue Xuan Zhang (daily) - Star dad who will either guide, festival, or world champion, Zhang Liang although not in the entertainment circle, the first male model is also home of mountain of Milan fashion week, how do you say "is mixed fashion".
a few years ago, there are media named the "sexiest man". Gaoshuai rich or six pack abs or new dad finally lost to "push the pram". B-bec · ham more handsome, is hung on the neck of a baby carrier Beck · ham.
second thanks to a rare "old star". The >
[6804] Light pig run the great leap forward commercial va...
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'm in the middle of winter active strip running many people, to the hospital cure passive off less people in a public occasion; dare to show body under many people take their waistline, improper things less people,<a href="http://02e7084.netsolhost.com/images/graph/gucci-baggu-outlet-30969.html">グッチ財布</a> http://02e7084.netsolhost.com/images/graph/gucci-baggu-outlet-30969.html, "positive energy light pig run" is full of the flavor of the original.
"commercial value" magazine contributing author Wang Le the
2013 must be run China unusual year, all kinds of milepost type activity is frequently emerge, in addition to the number of Marathon athletics registered double, small to folk about race, to the international endurance run, attract various media the eye. At present the most chic, to the number of the second session of the February 24th Beijing Aosen "light pig run".
at the beginning of spring, the north is still cold, the Beijing Olympic Forest Park, as many as 300 people take off clothes only underwear run riot in the cold winter, become a major topic was running laps, even now search "Orson light pig run", still can find a considerable number of news and pictures. Behind these creative activity is running, running recognized, accepted and rapid amplification of the signals involved in the crowd.
the first "light pig run" began in February 26,<a href="http://www.larotec.com/new/pdf/bottega-veneta-outlet-332.html">ボッテガヴェネタ 店舗</a> http://www.larotec.com/new/pdf/bottega-veneta-outlet-332.html, 2012, more than 100 long-distance runners off his coat to run 3.5 kilometers in the Olympic Forest Park, at that time the media still use "Jingxian light pig run" such words. The second Beijing "light pig run" held in February 24, 2013, 3 degrees below zero, to more than 300 people, media has become "the 2013 Orson light pig run held, athlete Superman Bikini appeared, still have a little envy" implication.

running the market broken down into stages
"naked" is a word from the ski field "light pig Festival", "light pig run" is in a similar way running in winter. In fact, the "light pig run" this form have already in abroad, China's iron man three first party flag, had participated in the Hawaii Ironman underwear run, is the domestic "light pig run" first person, and he is also one of the initiators of light pig run activities.
founded "Beijing Aosen light pig run" idea from a photo, iron man three athletes flag and famous runner North window in Orson winter training, shirtless and was taken to a photo, the photo has been praised, in the winter full of strength. So they sprouted organization "light pig run" idea. The flag and the North Window personally proved that winter naked running no problem after post called "light pig run" tournaments every year in February the last weekend, then is the beginning year running season, "light pig run" and eventually became a series.
to now have 7 "light pig run" city, Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Wuhan, Xiamen, has run the spontaneous organization "light pig run" for a time, the world is everywhere "light". Runners with "running" light pig pursue free and happy, bold show themselves close to natural healthy attitude to life, and there are a lot of people define for the fashion trend.
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[6802] America western Chinese Poker bride look at the hi...
お名前: cdef9461 [li494-163.members.linode.com] http://gsfsst.org/Images/bottega-veneta-japan-outlet-162.html 2015/3/19/(Thu) 12:32
in the gold rush came to Idaho Hua

she may be living in the Chinese women's nineteenth Century Idaho, first or only one recorded in written form. The western part of the United States of Chinese old lady came to the United States as slaves, but turned out to be a free man, and share the prospectors in the Western way of life. After her death, began to have history scholars tried to find her, causing a small "Polly is hot", her life was first into a TV series, 1991 has also been adapted into a film of the same name "daughter". She lives in the farm also has become one of the historical heritage protection, online there are Raiders introduced how to find her when living in the house. Polly became a legend, not because of what she did the unthinkable, but her as an ordinary person,<a href="http://www.dohlenstudios.com/images/photos/adidas-sneakers-outlet-573.html">アディダス スニーカー</a> http://www.dohlenstudios.com/images/photos/adidas-sneakers-outlet-573.html, into the history of the American West, become a part of American history and memory. ("history" 2010-4-29)

this woman named Polly · Bemis (PollyBemis), she was born in 1853 in North China China, traffickers sold to a hotel USA boss. Later USA white Charlie · Bemis won her from the owner of the hotel in a poker, two people fall in love and get married.

Lin Lourdes >

was originally a search of the story of Polly is Lin Lude (Ruthanne LumMcCunn) was born in San Francisco, she began to collect information regarding Polly from 1979, two years after the completion of a biographical novel "daughter" (Thousand Pieces ofGold). This title implies Polly's identity from her foot binding way, she is supposed to come from higher social status families "daughter"; also suggests the Chinese came to the United States the purpose - gold.

1923 years, grange town in Idaho was a sensation, because there is a Chinese old lady riding into town. This is Polly · Bemis, she lived in a remote Salmon River Valley Farm for 50 years, had never been on a car, but do not know what is the movie, local newspapers called her a "modern rip · where · Wenck (RipVanWinkle)",<a href="http://www.paleenconstruction.com/images/paleenmanor/boots-tenpo-t-270.html">ブーツ 通販</a> http://www.paleenconstruction.com/images/paleenmanor/boots-tenpo-t-270.html, is also America Liu Lao basking. But she was successful to become the beloved man in town -- in the exclusion, this particularly difficult.

- water

2010 year in March, "New York Times" recommended reading list appear in the back America early Huagong history book "Poker bride" (The Poker Bride: The FirstChinese in the Wild West). Author Christopher · Corbett (ChristopherCorbett) is a journalist and historian, he records a woman in China USA western life lives in this book.
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