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[2624] Reported that the film Barbie Hsu play play play a...
お名前: tuvw2174 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://www.airbagsystems.com/images/Shop_online/hermes-bags-t-38.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 03:40
Johnwoo: I think the sword is representative of a gentleman, I think women with a sword, it will become a romantic feeling.

Michelle Yeoh: it seems like rain.

Barbie Hsu: many scenes we are two to get the real swords to whip the play, feel really a bit soft, she (Michelle Yeoh) know how to deal with the angle and distance, but I don't know, so >

see Zeng Jing when the enemy, a pledge really sting,<a href="http://bsteinacker.com/galleries/adidas-shoes-outlet-10003.html">アディダスショップ</a> http://bsteinacker.com/galleries/adidas-shoes-outlet-10003.html, and with a back oblique cutting, and then a sword anti - Liao, recruit aplomb, taking these actions, Michelle Yeoh quite input.

Barbie Hsu: clever steal

Keywords: Michelle Yeoh is very hard


director Su Zhaobin: we'll let Michelle Yeoh make a sword, but the sword will turn from various angles, attack the sword.

sword is the movie soul weapon, Michelle Yeoh, Wang Xueqi and Barbie Hsu are in the film cultivation of excellent swordsmanship, it incurs in wonderful behind, is the Three Musketeers hard work.


"sword rain" of more than ten kinds of weapons, like Leon Dai's fire, ANQI needle Shawn Yue, Li Zonghan silver chopsticks and so on, all of these weapons, the most attract sb.'s attention is a good weapon closely title.

Michelle Yeoh: haven't play like this, because I want to cooperate with these people, for their respect, think of their intentions, so very happy, although hard, time is very long, but we all cherish together.

Michelle Yeoh played in the "sword rain" of Zeng Jing, often show extraordinary skill in not show one's feelings in.

Michelle Yeoh: the sword like rain

movie "sword rain", this martial arts blockbuster in Jianghu characters of every hue, their use is more of a wide variety of weapons. When the director role for each selected weapon, was carefully considered, and strive to the weapon to the characters personality. Today, we explore Michelle Yeoh and Barbie Hsu Wang Xueqi in the movie, the use of weapons, and learn about the story behind the scenes they shooting.

Johnwoo: she used the sword like a snowy, you see an image, but can not hear the sound, hear the sound when you and she have killed a man.

Next we'll look at the

director Su Zhaobin: most people are so that the sword, the sword is very difficult to fight,<a href="http://www.cleanwavevc.com/images/_vti_log/tory-burch-outlet-12.html">トリーバーチ店舗</a> http://www.cleanwavevc.com/images/_vti_log/tory-burch-outlet-12.html, but fight well is very beautiful.

Wang Xueqi: Michelle Yeoh teacher is very very dedicated, filming often played full roll (roll), she did not say, it is not easy to.

against Michelle Yeoh was very nervous

to play experienced compared to Michelle Yeoh, a killer Zhan Qing Barbie Hsu shame, and Michelle Yeoh missed time inevitably nervous.
[2623] モグラはチェコ買う記念品(図)孤独川陵新浪のブログ
お名前: klmn2276 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://bsteinacker.com/galleries/adidas-shoes-outlet-37.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 02:47
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[2622] 捕獲味蕾プライベート料理「ニンニクアユブロック】枝...
お名前: jklm6693 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://www.firelate.com/compartidos/empresa/ugg-australia-boots-t-17.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 02:47
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p〉〈時は <>(^ o ^)/||? o /||? o /||? o /||?(o ^)/||? o /||? o/


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[2621] エンドウ豆苗鶏肉ワンタンと母方の新浪のブログ_ 7
お名前: stuv0452 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://www.impactglasswall.com/images/chanel-baggu-outlet-35002.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 02:47
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[2620] 決して失?の電気蒸し器版豆腐煮込み卵黄金大梨新浪の...
お名前: abcd4576 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://www.paleenconstruction.com/images/paleenmanor/boots-tenpo-t-41.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 02:47
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[2619] 「キッチンスキル」竹蒸し器購入、洗い、メンテナンス...
お名前: mnop5686 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://www.airbagsystems.com/images/Shop_online/hermes-bags-t-10006.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 02:47
8 .流水で草をきれいに洗うパッド.

1 .準備の爪やすりや木工ガーゼ.


2 .用爪やすりで蒸し器格の隙間で砂を往復摩、余分なバリ除去(<時>鋭い眼力親密ヒント二:竹蒸し器は工場出荷時過ぎに磨きが、表面はバリ殘留、爪やすり木工ガーゼを殘してバリに磨きをかけ、は美しくて、2は防止過程を使うバリゆえに、もちろん、あなたは磨きも大丈夫

3 .更に爪やすりセイロで表面往復スクラブ消磨、余分なバリ.


2 .畳を蒸しますで、竹を蒸し器を水に入れて.

3 .でき上がっ蒸し器蓋、煮る制の20分、注意を鍋の中に水の変化を防ぐために、水が干<,<a href="http://www.car-na.org/delegate/images/new-balance-outlet-8.html">ニューバランス レディース</a> http://www.car-na.org/delegate/images/new-balance-outlet-8.html;時>鋭い眼力親密ヒント3:水空煮蒸し器は、煮て竹の中の黄水


4 .私の?択に竹蒸し器のほかの直径は24センチ,<a href="http://www.babikow.com/images/new-2009/celine-baggu-outlet-18.html">セリーヌ 店舗</a> http://www.babikow.com/images/new-2009/celine-baggu-outlet-18.html.

4 .をきれいに洗う流水でセイロ(<時>鋭い眼力親密ヒント三:磨きの清水できれいに洗う蒸し器を防ぎ、磨てバリ殘る蒸し器で

9 .もう一つは蒸し器紙で、1種は蒸し器ガーゼ.

5 .で同じように爪やすり蒸し器カバーの表面で往復スクラブ消磨、余分なバリ.


1 .鍋にたっぷり水濡れに、少し食用油.

[2618] 水煮の料理法を食べると新しい:吸いえびの水煮オタク...
お名前: pqrs2992 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://www.camaroclubkc.com/images/_vti_log/bottega-veneta-sayihu-t-8004.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 02:47
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[2617] Soft and fragrant northeast soft Hemp flowers hot ...
お名前: mnop0735 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://www.ieem.org/docs/back/christianlouboutin-1504.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 02:40
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one day the husband said is we buy some soft Hemp flowers to eat, see the comments of the Internet, say I'm afraid the oil is not healthy, alas, I this life, do, do their own standards of health, this is the first times peanut oil, sugar, honey and milk is absolutely not discount,

heard of fried Hemp flowers, in favor of the son also warm hands, he is actually very love to eat, just don't want to come with me to, now the children eat too much, when no short mouth, every day except to staple food and snacks, not would say mother we go under the supermarket. For snacks eat properly, can be, as long as not to delay the dinner on the line.
[2616] Zhang Zhaozhong spoof beautiful super battleship, ...
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[2615] 創価改後新高明日から1リットルあたり0 . 26ドル上昇...
お名前: lmno7517 [li611-48.members.linode.com] http://www.ieem.org/docs/back/bottegaveneta-1717.html 2015/2/9/(Mon) 02:40
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