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[3299] 世界にはどれだけの社会主義国ですか?鳳凰週刊新浪の...
お名前: uvwx0702 [] http://www.airbagsystems.com/images/Shop_online/hermes-bags-t-10005.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 17:59
社会主義建設は論.アンドロポフは発達している社会主義の修正を強調しソビエト連邦いまだ先進社会主義の起点として到着し、共産主義の前の移行、これは1つの長いの段階で、当面の任務は完璧に発達している社会主義,<a href="http://www.buyroofhatch.com/images/_vti_log/gucci-bags-outlet-5012.html">グッチ バッグ</a> http://www.buyroofhatch.com/images/_vti_log/gucci-bags-outlet-5012.html.略称は発達している社会主義の起点論.契?年科より保守を深める起点論の論述.最後に、ゴルバチョフ放棄した先進社会主義、フォーマットの完全主義」.社会主義の四大国際組織世界社会主義運動前後して発生した、かつて4つの国際的な組織.最初の国は国際労働者連合会は、1864年に設立され、科学的社会主義としての指導思想、マルクスは創始者.1871年、最初の国際フランス支部パリ公社運動を指導した、すぐに遭って失敗、1876年に解散を宣言した.第二国際すなわち社会主義国、1989年に設立され、1916年から戦の間に各?其主解散.第二の国際の主要メンバーからフランス、ドイツ、ロシア.すべてのメンバーも、社会民主主義という言葉を使うなど、レーニン.8時間労働制、八婦人デー、メーデーは彼らの遺産.1951年、第二の国際的な遺産で再建社会党国際、民主主義の代わりに社会民主主義.当時、『フランクフルト宣言』によると、民主主義の思想の出所は多様な、統一していない世界観、求めない信仰マルクス主義.目標はとても普通で、社会の公平合理性を求めて、生活の美しい、世界平和の制度.その宣伝の目的は“メンバー党間の連絡を強化し、協議を通じて方式を政治的態度の一緻」機能にとらわれて交流情報や経験、明らかに立場は組織に各メンバーの約束.社会党国際陣が膨大で、現在102正式会員政党、15人のコンサルティング政党、32の観察の政党.主要メンバーで、集中ヨーロッパアフリカ、ラテンアメリカ.今の世界最大規模の社会主義の国際的な組織社会党国際のマークが、そのメンバー五大陸から160あまりの政権与党と非社会主義政党.第三国際即ち共産国際、1919年3月、レーニンが指導するもとに設立され、本部がモスクワで.第三世界国際武装革命に呼びかけ、各国に輸出して共産主義的な指導作用.1943年5月25日、ソビエト連邦から第二次世界大戦の現実の利益を考えて、解散を宣言した第三国際,<a href="http://www.nicproducts.com/images/prada-bags-t-41.html">プラダ 財布</a> http://www.nicproducts.com/images/prada-bags-t-41.html.第四国際すなわち第四コミンテルン世界、つまり社会主義革命党.トロツキー率は亡命の支持者構成は1938年9月、モスクワの第三国際争奪正統.第四国際も呼ばれるトロツキストと国際、ソビエト連邦はスターリンの官僚グループを窃取した政権.トロツキストの政策はずっと熱狂し、現実を無視するほか、敵視自身以外をすべて政党や国家、ひたすら呼びかけを各国労働者階級.この近視の眼は、第二次大戦中のその支持層が母国の事態に陥ったを売る.トロツキー本人1940年暗殺された後、第四国際失った神経中枢、組織はほとんど崩壊.第二次世界大戦後、新入生の共産党国家」
[3298] Chinese FDA dream medicine observer Sina blog
お名前: hijk2935 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Electrics/E238/bottegaveneta-1722.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 11:46
from SFDA to CFDA

although behind subsection management, SFDA was given the comprehensive coordination of various departments of law enforcement resources power,<a href="http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/christianlouboutin-1510.html">ルブタン スニーカー</a> http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/christianlouboutin-1510.html, but the sector belongs only to the vice ministerial level, to easily coordinate with other ministerial level (agriculture, industry and commerce, quality inspection departments), make the resources for seamless docking, obviously difficult. In such a state of embarrassment, among the various departments and regulatory boundaries exist many fuzzy zone, such as repeated regulation and supervision of the blind spot; at the same time, in the regulatory process, easy to produce the phenomenon of mutual responsibility, supervision is difficult to implement the responsibility.

vacuum supervision cause is the frequent occurrence of various security incidents. Xu Lingzhong professor at the College of public health at the Shandong University,<a href="http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/newbalanceshoes-1302.html">ニューバランス スニーカー</a> http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/newbalanceshoes-1302.html, in recent years, from the melamine, dyeing steamed bread, poison bean sprouts until problem capsule, almost every piece of food and drug safety incidents are first exposed by the media, should play a supervisory role of the Department is always lags far behind. The reason for this is that the current >

even, bull management with regulations of the State Council Escort - in this year issued "on Further Strengthening the food safety work of the decision" clearly put forward in 2004, food safety to take "sub regulation based, supplemented by a variety of management" approach. Food regulation also "spread" to the field of medicine. A pharmaceutical company responsible person pointed out, SFDA regulation is the production and quality of drugs, and the transportation sector of the middle, belongs to the Ministry of Commerce Management, jurisdiction scope of hospital drug use and belongs to the Ministry of health. "Not only that, 'with a' drug management also involves many departments, such as industrial and Commercial Department of safety in the circulation of the drug also has oversight responsibilities."

- reporter: Liao Shaomin

-- special planning department

is promoting the reform of super ministry system, the original state food and Drug Administration (SFDA) recently from the Ministry of health from, the formation of a new state food and Drug Administration (CFDA), which means that the scattered in various departments between management functions will be together; at the same time, between medical and medicine also indicates that the drug administration department and Health Department of the jurisdiction of "part company each going his own way again". The personage inside course of study points out, the reform, the original drug administration can finally "improper Millennium second child" -- in view of this, CFDA is shouldering the industry calls for reform of eager!

overview of drug administration in China history, the phenomenon of multiple management seems to have been there. Despite the big background of the establishment of the State Food and Drug Administration in 1998 is that, through institutional reform to solve the drug supervision "bull management, overlapping responsibilities, the government" phenomenon; and in 2003 put food into the regulatory category, and the establishment of SFDA, but also to the unified management of the United States FDA learning. But the good wishes such but find it hard to achieve.


bull management regulation pain
[3297] 台灣選挙当日選挙現場を、感じて大陸花嫁声CBIメディ...
お名前: defg5780 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/newbalanceshoes-1305.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 11:46


臨から選挙日の宣伝品が特色、ほらこの扇子を正と負と印刷している国民党政権後に実施された恩恵政策.ほらこの?年お守り袋、正面には??、背面には、すぐに平安、中のは1?小?カード、一方は平安福、一方は国民党旗,<a href="http://www.itcc.or.th/major/montblancpenshop-2619.html">モンブラン 万年筆</a> http://www.itcc.or.th/major/montblancpenshop-2619.html.




p>は総選挙で<,<a href="http://www.silvaspastry.com/_vti_index/alexanderwang-1202.html">アレキサンダーワン店舗</a> http://www.silvaspastry.com/_vti_index/alexanderwang-1202.html;日一週間1世帯の戸籍の所在地の住民も届き投票通知書を含め、大統領と副大統領は、戸籍所属区立法委員者リストや党派の説明.選挙当日には1月14日午前8時から午後16時戸籍所属小学校の投票で選挙する.



[3296] 小さい時代映画の一つについて思考:受け手観周星新浪...
お名前: cdef4208 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/marcjacobsbags-2206.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 11:46

を自身の“小さい時代であった時、郭敬明ファンを獲得したか大きな時代の復雑性の若者にふさわしい、主流メディアの戒め令うわさの時、彼は依然として自信の導入を?木時代が、そのすぐ市場を30%超え撮影量判断の後ろに、実は古い時代の主流では一呼百?受け手は黙認の時間でした.実は若い世代が納得のは自分のお気に入り、私達は少しハマる俗っぽくて、彼らの自由はマイペース.本当の理由は新しいメディア時代?魅の続きと思わずに抵抗の結果.逆の判断で簡単なものは行けるが、時代の変化を支えている根本的な原因は映画市場の根底に、除外するこの認知の時、ため息も伝統的な良い映画市場で受け入れられない、いくつかの何もなどの映画がますます?ネギが年の視聴者は、はっきり言わない事,<a href="http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/monclerjackets-1416.html">モンクレール アウトレット</a> http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/monclerjackets-1416.html.

p〉〈時は上記<>客観的論説、意味じゃないのは小さい時代弁護、逆に、後ろにこそ表現私を批判する意見,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1208.html">adidas スニーカー</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1208.html.しかしあなたは認めるが、世論は立って話すの評価は、固定観念と世論の批判は必ずしも見に行き、興味津々見た世論を与える低分の受け手が続々と感じるために入って、ただ?春と贅沢な者.
p〉〈時は> <私たちが直面したのはまさに「>
[3295] 週末にバルセロナ日向ぼっこ- 1スチュワーデス洋洋新...
お名前: stuv8897 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.humboldthr.com/_vti_index/hotbrandbags-3824.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 11:45







南欧好きの人が家を建てるのがとても緊密で、ここの夏は暑い,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1225.html">adidas スニーカー</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1225.html.家が建てこんでいる所が多く、隣人が涼しくなる楽?









p>はは好き<自分で撮った写真の瓦!もし大将軍を見ても、必ず好きな,<a href="http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/furlabags-3705.html">フルラ バッグ</a> http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/furlabags-3705.html!!









[3294] Japan AV and human sexual aversion disorder spread...
お名前: defg7740 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1226.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 11:45
Survey of European and American youth

, they just look at AV in the absence of a partner, once the partner will immediately give up this "hobby". European and American youth believe that, since there is companion, can all hope skills into "combat", and then look at the AV are boring.

2011 year in September, the Japanese health ministry survey of 1540 men and women aged 16 to 49 years old the. Among them, 16 to 19 years old man, said to "sex" no interest and hate accounted for 35.1%. While the 20 year old to 24 year old young man, hate sex ratio has reached 21.5%. Notable is, in the married couples, more than a month no asexual couples have sex, accounted for 40.8%, the first time exceeded four into.

AV production increase year by year, the pattern renovates unceasingly, but the actual behavior is less and less. Why the Japanese as "watch on giant, the dwarf in action", this is probably from the Japanese AV content and the "sexual values".

entered in twenty-first Century, video, DVD, online video...... The yield of Japanese AV to start showing explosive growth. While Europe and the United States produced the AV also not resigned to playing second fiddle, in quantity and the technological means a great catch-up trend. To young people as the main body of the lovers, more and more deeply affected by AV. Japanese's attitude to AV, also as with their other products, like the "made in china". While the Japanese young people immersed in the "domestic" AV time is longer, the more easy to indulge can not extricate themselves in the world of delusion. Their AV to "affect sexual values", is the day >


some people think that this is caused by the traditional Japanese, in fact completely misunderstood. From the Edo period of pornographic pictures can be seen, both men and women is the leading actor in the picture, no male in the center of the content, women's and men's faces are filled with a happy face.

Japan is the world's most famous AV producing countries. But in the adult film flooding of the country, but there is a strange phenomenon let a person very puzzled -- Japanese on the concerns of rare,<a href="http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1302.html">アシックス アウトレット</a> http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1302.html, but don't love "actual combat".

-- the Japanese daily "Jiang" (article in October 3rd)

and lover, and in sexual behavior with each other constantly adjusted, in order to achieve the "unity of body and mind". In the US and Europe, is a kind of communication, but also is an especially valuable communication. From this point on the European AV, also can see. European AV is generally based on both men and women as the main body, the both sides of exchange of happiness. The Japanese men even with friends, loved the AV person or number. This is because the Japanese AV completely from the male point of view, the female is a "toy", completely in a passive position. AV in Japan, men will own desires and fantasies, projected on the women of the "written",<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1212.html">adidas スニーカー</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1212.html, no equal communication between men and women, but a man of the world "".

Will further exchange their own preferences and experience between
[3293] Winter health Qiao food a little Professor red Yan...
お名前: qrst1994 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/dolcegabbana-3012.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 11:45
sweet and sour Hawthorn Xiaoshi appetizer
Hawthorn can promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, stagnation of consumer product, inhibit cancer cell growth, and rich in vitamin C. Hawthorn is the prevention of cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, soften blood vessels and diuresis and sedative effects, but also Xiaoshi appetizer. Hawthorn also contains a compound called Vitexin,<a href="http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/fendibags-3111.html">フェンディ バッグ</a> http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/fendibags-3111.html, has anti-cancer effects. In daily life, can put the hawthorn as snacks, also can add a few pieces of Hawthorn in the soup, vegetables, taste more delicious, healthy!

Hawthorn porridge -- the spleen and stomach,<a href="http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/celinebags-1308.html">セリーヌ 通販</a> http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/celinebags-1308.html, Xiaoji food production: first brown rice into the casserole boil, then add the hawthorn, cook for 10 minutes, add honey, delicious and healthy Hawthorn porridge made.

Ejiao jujube soup -- liver blood

practices: the above raw materials into the casserole stew 1 hours, you can eat.

winter, things become a depression, a lot of people at this time the mood also become low. In fact, the winter to eat some red food, to health beneficial, below compiles some very practical information and simple therapeutic side, for your winter health choice. Often eat "red dot" will let you bring good mood.

jujube protect human health "Wizard"
dates can improve human immunity, and can inhibit cancer cell. Pharmacological research found that red jujube can promote the formation of white blood cells, reduce serum cholesterol, serum albumin, liver protection; regular consumption of fresh jujube seldom suffer from gallstones, because it is rich in vitamin C and fresh jujube, convert the body of excess cholesterol into bile acid, cholesterol and less, stone formation of probability is reduced; jujube is rich in calcium and iron, which have an important effect on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis postpartum anemia.

jujube honey tea -- invigorating primordial energy practice: jujube and sugar into the pot, add water 350 milliliter boiled, collected dry moisture, Daocheng paste. Then add honey and mix well, placed on a clean glass bottle, drinking when they take 1 teaspoon add warm water can be. Jujube, honey is warm food, in cold winter, drink a cup of the tea can supply energy, increase the heat >

Hawthorn binaural syrup -- kidney tool
raw material: Hawthorn 50 grams, 30 grams of white fungus, black fungus 30 grams, 30 grams of crystal sugar.
production: hawthorn, white fungus, black fungus into the casserole, simmer for 20 minutes add rock sugar, this attractive color, rich flavor of the syrup is good.
[3292] With Shanxi ingredients do paragraph seven food wa...
お名前: lmno3710 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.humboldthr.com/_vti_index/hotbrandbags-3801.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 10:20
3. into the oven, the upper and lower fire bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes out of the oven.

powder is wrapped in Rice noodles with pork ribs steamed on the cage, and with millet instead of large Rice noodles steamed pork ribs, is another flavor, DCB soft moist, rich and delicious. Ribs itself can supplement rich in protein and iron, millet and with strengthening spleen and stomach, nourishing Yin aphrodisiac effect, it is the powerful combination of nutrition Jiapin delicious. Select Shanxi Qin, Huang Xiaomi, better flavor.

3. will be wrapped in bamboo millet spareribs drawer. Into the steamer and boil for 20 minutes, out of the pot can be sprinkled with chopped green onion.

The traditional method of making steamed pork ribs

the seven dishes I and finish together, the following one one present to you.

] millet ribs

1. will be small potatoes peeled and cut into small pieces, with a little salt base flavor. Small potatoes with a cloth with water to seep, sprinkle with cumin, pepper and black pepper evenly tasty.

potatoes are rich in nutrition is rich, "underground apple" say.

this article with authentic Shanxi food do offer seven paragraph Food, including food and drink, a well-established meat, nutrition is very reasonable ~

2. oven preheated 180 degree oven in advance with a spoon evenly sprinkled with oil painting. The small potatoes in a pan.

Youyu potatoes taste sweet, imported cotton,<a href="http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1332.html">アシックス アウトレット</a> http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1332.html, very suitable for roast potatoes. The roasted baby potatoes with native to Youyu County organic potatoes cooking oil less, crisp outside, waxy, delicious. According to their different taste, can add chili powder or cumin powder, adjust the taste to.

on a journey to the Food records.

used to eat the immutable and frozen steamed pork with rice flour, Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs, may wish to change,<a href="http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/furlabags-3706.html">フルラ バッグ</a> http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/furlabags-3706.html, try a new eat ribs.

beauty is a woman after >

can be used as leisure snacks, can also be used as a table of dishes.

[roasted baby potatoes]

[longan jujube paste]

2. will millet soaked three hours after a good pickled pork ribs into wrapped ribs.

raw materials: millet, ribs, fermented flour paste, soy sauce, ginger, aniseed, onion, sesame oil, sugar, salt

1. ribs into pieces, add sauce, soy sauce, ginger, aniseed, onion, sesame oil, sugar, salt and stir ruwei.

material: Youyu small potatoes, cumin, pepper, salt, black pepper powder

[3291] Zhang Junyi Zheng Shaodong serial case of insider ...
お名前: pqrs6824 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/marcjacobsbags-2206.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 10:20
-- Zhang Junyi recently went to the Zhongnanhai to visit the great general secretary of public servants remembered and loved by people of general secretary Hu Yaobang and lover Li Zhaohe the son of Hu Yaobang Hu Deping the minister be of noble character and high prestige, the graph is Zhang Junyi (right) and Li Zhao read the book together! A lot of Miss Lu ah actually in those clouds...... Li Zhao stroked the book on her husband Hu Yaobang photos, most eyes motionless in love who...... Zhang Junyi and Li Zhao talked for a long time...... Li Zhao encouraged Zhang Junyi to create more good works! The graph is Zhang Junyi (right) and Li Zhao, Hu Deping Hu Yaobang in the Zhongnanhai home! Please pay attention to the creation of Zhang Junyi's "the great Hu Yaobang" public servant!

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-- Zhang Junyi dedicated to the general secretary of the National People's great servant beloved Hu Yaobang and express our deeply miss and respect!
[3290] The French socialist health artist lofty Sina blog
お名前: pqrs1507 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/christianlouboutin-1509.html 2015/2/15/(Sun) 10:20
moreover, the French public health benefit,<a href="http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/dolcegabbana-3017.html">ドルチェ&ガッバーナ バッグ</a> http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/dolcegabbana-3017.html, not limited to the French people, including Chinese students studying in France, countries in embassies and consulates, foreign workers and other transient personnel and unemployed, homeless, refugees and illegal migration. That is to say,<a href="http://www.silvaspastry.com/_vti_index/balenciagabags-3402.html">バレンシアガ店舗</a> http://www.silvaspastry.com/_vti_index/balenciagabags-3402.html, the French public medical benefit all in France land permanent residence, in short, in each person. Where afraid the other party is illegal immigrants, illegal entry into France has violated the law, but the government in a humanitarian spirit, the specially formulated a "national medical rescue plan (AME)". Illegal immigrants as long as proof of their uninterrupted for more than three months in French, and income at a certain level, you can apply for medical assistance. In short, as long as you're sick in France, you can rest assured that boldly into the hospital, do not have to worry about no money in his pocket, the hospital will be dedicated to rescue, then do not pay a penny to leave.


third, the more serious illness, enjoy insurance coverage more, care and treatment are also more comprehensive, more do not need to pay for their own. In France, 30 patients with severe diseases (such as Ba Jinsen syndrome, AIDS, cancer, diabetes and other diseases), whether you go to any of a public hospital, the state will be free for treatment. The more serious, more do not need to pay for their own, the more seriously ill, enjoy insurance coverage more, care and treatment are also more comprehensive.

France "socialized medicine", first of all reflected in the public and private supplementary medical combination. The French public health accounted for the major part of the total underwriting fees, individuals accounted for 65% and 72%, to provide cover hospital, clinic, treatment, prescription drug costs, a certain degree of security also provides for dental, medical department of Ophthalmology and special categories and a variety of medical supplies, the degree and range of comprehensive and thoughtful. Then private supplementary medical, is providing supplemental protection of inadequate public medical insurance in place, people pay his fees, the total cost of 28% and 35%. Such fees generally by the individual company or agency, or private institutions burden. Two complementary system, framework formation of medical security system in france.

2001, a French medical system is WHO judges "the best in the world". The French to the public health and private supplementary medical combination, benefit not only the scope of universal coverage, even illegal immigrants would be able to enjoy medical insurance and 30 major disease free treatment for the country, and both parties are free, and the French population longevity proportion increasing medical service system, known as "socialized medicine."

In fourth,

of France's "socialist health"

in France outside of the country to see a doctor, can submit an expense account. French social insurance in force in many countries, if the patient in France outside the country doctor, as long as the preservation of good local invoice, after the return to the French translation into French file justice, can get the related department.

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