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[4121] The property market really want to change Ma Yuech...
お名前: bcde2049 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.nicproducts.com/images/prada-bags-t-10007.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:38
heard canceled second-hand housing sales tax news, do not know who wrote the blog how people think, but I know those people leave a message in my blog should take some comfort.
in the past few days, many of the central economic work conference, but is said the central policies haven't changed a bit, a lot of liquidity released next year, prices remain strong. This is the interpretation of the most mainstream.
but I think, interpretation of the central document not only literally, to look at the content, but also look at the background, more to see the guiding ideology of the central government, that is to combine the Scientific Outlook on Development analysis.
so I said a lot of people do not understand the spirit of the central government, the central economic work conference as encouragement to developers is groundless statement. I remember a blog even joked: Premier Wen had said the day before yesterday curb property speculation demand speech at the meeting did not respond, so the interpretation of the central not curb speculative demand.
too simplistic, too naive, too do not understand politics. China official documents and foreign documents, is the format and the subject requirements, and document style and word should have specific meaning. And how can people in the chat that are under the wall? If you are not file the vernacular.
yesterday, the State Council executive meeting discussed and passed in principle "on the implementation of social insurance fund budget opinions" (hereinafter referred to as the "opinions"), which provides business tax exemption period of personal housing transfer from 2 years to 5 years,<a href="http://www.paleenconstruction.com/images/paleenmanor/boots-tenpo-t-49.html">ブーツ 通販</a> http://www.paleenconstruction.com/images/paleenmanor/boots-tenpo-t-49.html, other housing consumption policy to continue to implement.
this is obviously a crackdown on recent crazy property market, a strong inhibition of signal is also next to the house.
the secondary housing market in the second half of the year is unusually hot, one is worried about the policy change, on the other hand is also listed on the new disc reduction,<a href="http://customcandymolds.com/rss/nike-sneakers-outlet-13.html">ナイキ スニーカー</a> http://customcandymolds.com/rss/nike-sneakers-outlet-13.html, soaring prices, the total price is too high to cause.
now the second-hand housing market because of preferential removal affect the trading volume, because China this several years of commercial housing market, the main investment and speculation in the market, the demand in Yishoufang market natural in a short period of time to promote the second-hand housing market active. Real estate investment should be a long-term investment, the rental return. But our real estate investment, are to Shoufu investment small amounts of money, and then expect to launch directly after the eight party to sell, earn more than high rent more than Shoufu, invest much higher profits.
too dark, really have so many happy people these speculative asset collections. So there have been calls for a boycott of buy a house, buy a house but action has been in action, not to say not to buy a house, but don't buy Gaojiefang, don't buy those who deliberately foam pushing up real.
second-hand housing business tax incentives to cancel, will greatly increase transaction costs, greatly suppress the transaction activities, this negative tendency will transfer to Yishoufang market.
there is a problem in the current secondary housing transaction tax, the actual payment.

preferential policy to cancel the speculative property market dealt a heavy blow to
Ma Yuecheng / the
[4120] ブタの血酸辣湯---健康が腸の道路清掃夫舞の霊1027新...
お名前: uvwx7487 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-22005.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:38

祖国の医学は婦人は血を本のため、女性の生理が消耗血が多いのが特徴,<a href="http://www.nicproducts.com/images/prada-bags-t-38.html">プラダ 財布</a> http://www.nicproducts.com/images/prada-bags-t-38.html.ブタの血は安くてもまさに“血の玉」,<a href="http://www.humboldthr.com/images/_vti_log/timberland-boots-outlet-10.html">ティンバーランド ブーツ</a> http://www.humboldthr.com/images/_vti_log/timberland-boots-outlet-10.html.その食用方法:多くの両方のブタの血をスライスとネギ、ショウガ、ニンニクの莖と葉炒め食、ブタの血を千切りとファン、キュウリの千切りなどで、和え物食べます.多くの人に慣れて、ブタの血でと赤身、ファン、野菜などが似合う作スープ.ブタの血は、人々と屠殺リジェクトが最も理想的な血の物、特に女性の食用に適し于?美.










[4119] 工学院の本当に持って「たばこ院士」としてなかったか...
お名前: nopq5513 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.hurricaneproducts.com/images/_vti_log/gucci-bags-outlet-30016.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:38
,<a href="http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-22008.html">シャネル アウトレット</a> http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-22008.html

これから見ると、工学院も求める処理事件だが、殘念なことに、結果は本人から辞める??もし堅持しないが??平辞めるメンテナンス工学院の評判のではなく、会員の現実の利益.もし修正工学院院士の問題を解決する定款のたばこ、意味はここから作り上げ院士の打ち切りメカニズムとともに、既存の学部の利害構造を破る,<a href="http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-10007.html">シャネル アウトレット</a> http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-10007.html.我が国の両院実行終身制??当選院士は、正常な情況の下ではいつもていく??や学部制??院士の審査・管理は具体的な学部を.は現行の中国工程院定款も規定した当選院士の称号を取り消すことができるのは、しかし、撤回プログラムの起動、両方の問題に直面して、その一、条件が厳しく、前提は、院士個人の行動は国家の法律を犯し、危害国家利益や喪失科学道徳はずれているた標準、たばこ院士士??平は科学倫理問題は設計、国家の法律違反ですから、なかなか撤回起動プログラム.第二に、取り消しは、各学部で整理ポータル客


[4118] 「タイム」の60年の中国ミラー国際先駆導報新浪のブロ...
お名前: rstu0602 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25010.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:38
三位のリーダーが相次いで亡くなった、唐山大地震は廃墟にならない、何年の悲しみがこんなに密集.9月20日、時代後毛沢東時代の表紙に表現した中国の偉人遅刻に敬意を表し、『舵取りが亡くなった』の表紙は毛沢東を作り出した報道が臨界の評価が、それも懸念を失い、舵取り後、中国船をする巨船何処.1978?1998:悲喜こもごも、何度もするはこの20年間にトウ小平世界経験の変化、経済の衰退すり減った西洋人の鋭気、国と国の間はますます緊密な連絡、中国国内場自己の変革を覆す……東方の台頭に驚きながらも、人々を発見しましたが無限の可能性を中国.2005年、マーティン・ジャック『ガーディアン」篇の評論に語れ1978年:1978年の試みを全く違う歴史、中国の変化が世界を重心東に移り、権力を掌握しない欧米でしか手に……中国の改革開放を溶け込んでアメリカを見た中国欧米の希望は、しかし同時に、日に日に強大な中国は令アメリカ政府に不安.も、この一年、《時代》から、新しい姿やタッチして見直す中国は、もちろん、このような疑問や不安に見つめ、依然として.中国寝ましょう、彼女は目が覚めてしまえば、世界は殘念.1958年、毛沢東は表紙人物の時代の週刊かつてこの言葉を引用して、20年後には、ときに、?小平は1979年元旦に登って時代を再び表紙に選ばれ1978年度人物に、この言葉の加工後に再び現れ、中国?そこに横になって寝ている巨人の.彼は寝ましょうが、目が覚めたら、彼は世界を変える.『?小平の夢』を表紙タイトルの文章の序言で、記者は初めてでもとは賛美の文型は開場:小平世界に中央の国の扉を開いた、これは人類の歴史の上で気勢の大きい、またとない快挙!また、それらの変化に迅速に、《時代》も疑惑:西洋人を理解するのは難しいが、なぜこれほど多くの民族の人口がこんなに迅速に自分を覆した.これは1隻の空母はコイン1枚にUターン.たぶん誰もこんなに密集地に登って時代の表紙.ただ1978年12月末から1979年2月初め、1ヶ月半、?小平3回連続表紙になる人物,<a href="http://www.buyroofhatch.com/images/_vti_log/gucci-bags-outlet-5015.html">グッチ バッグ</a> http://www.buyroofhatch.com/images/_vti_log/gucci-bags-outlet-5015.html.1979年1月28日には中国の旧暦の正月元旦、トウ小平に訪米.2月5日の時代の表紙に、トウ小平氏が再び表紙を飾り、隣の大きなテーマは書いています:トウが訪れました.小さな背が高い5フィート)、年配の(74)中国紳士ワシントンから近くの空港に着陸した白いボーイング707に降り始めた彼は、興奮、週間にわたってアメリカ訪問.今回の訪問を公認され、一度蜜月の旅、期間?小平かぶりカウボーイハットに手を振って、アメリカの友好自信イメージも定格は米中友好交流の歴史の中で,<a href="http://www.laramiecountyrepublicanparty.com/events/mcm-japan-t-48.html">MCM 店舗</a> http://www.laramiecountyrepublicanparty.com/events/mcm-japan-t-48.html.1997年、トウ小平の辞世令全体の中国とても悲しみ客だけでなく
[4117] Unsafe   non harmonious China weekly Sina blo...
お名前: mnop1074 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.nicproducts.com/images/prada-bags-t-38.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:37
not always worry about not temporary residence permits what was up, can not always worry about their legal property away. In modern society, public power is the safeguard of >

does not apply for a temporary residence permit, in addition to lazy, the subconscious is a bit not believe this thing. My former colleagues had an interview with this kind of thing, security personnel intercepted a migrant workers, "a temporary residence permit?" Migrant workers rushed out, security personnel with a tear, "are there?" So, be away.

Sun Zhigang incident broke out, the country is making a SARS,<a href="http://bsteinacker.com/galleries/adidas-shoes-outlet-40.html">アディダスショップ</a> http://bsteinacker.com/galleries/adidas-shoes-outlet-40.html, people pay more attention to this matter is not less than the sars. Can compete with mystery and terror of the virus, people a sense of insecurity that is based on a "I may come back" insecurity.

Thanks to

Sun Zhigang, let me have a sense of security - before long, "the deportation Ordinance" was abolished. No temporary residence permit, will not be forced to host.

said the security sense, ranked first is certainly a sense of security to eat, but since this problem we had basically solved, we should not always take life to deliberately scary. Of course, some insecurity, humans may never be excluded, such as death, for example, in the face of unspeakable darkness, the eternal.

this scene like the rumors, but on 2003, a young man named Sun Zhigang, but be accommodated because there is no temporary residence permit, was finally killed in shelters.

more than 10 years ago, I came to Beijing when the reporter, have a little worry, worry no temporary residence permit caught Changping sieve sand. At that time no micro-blog, everybody is the bubble forum, a large number of caught Changping sieve sand forums, watching people shudder with fear. In fact, I was also scared himself, with a press card "by the sieve sand" how stupid; but the police verification also pick people, although I grow not righteousness, but at least the dry clean skin white glasses, in general it is difficult to move.

article / Xu Yilong

is not safe without harmony

images were selected from photographer Huang Xiaoliang "an expectation or a new miracle" series

some time ago, a friend and I eat in a typical Beijing Shabu Shabu restaurant. I first to find a small desktop toward the door to sit down, not long after the friend came, sat opposite to me. But he soon fidgeting, said back toward the door to sit, so that he was not a sense of security. I can understand, these two years, friends have been run near one of the lawsuit. According to him, the family was set up, and two lost. In order to save him, dealing with public security organs at all levels of "friends", getting cold,<a href="http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-15005.html">シャネル アウトレット</a> http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-15005.html, getting discouraged. In my opinion, this friend strong field abilities, but he was more and more insecure.

modern society to discuss the sense of security, the most prominent is the personal safety and property safety.
[4116] 杭州のラーメンはおいしい董克平新浪のブログ
お名前: ijkl1300 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.itcc.or.th/major/montblancpenshop-2608.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:13
3月下旬、杭州にいた数日は訪れる茶賞景、殘りの時間は基本的に渡したの食事.夕食にはなじみの友達と一緒に食べたり、ホテルのレストランや、なじみのレストラン.すべての食事のご飯も心地良くて、料理も精緻美味、しかしこのような会食は欠かせない話を味わい、腹ふさぎながらも頭に動かかたい台詞や評価メニュー、あるいは討論して共通の関心を持つ話題.とにかく、欠かせない付き合いがあるべきであるそれらの措置,<a href="http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/christiandiorbags-3307.html">ディオール ショップ</a> http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/christiandiorbags-3307.html.一緒には朝食に最も自在ではなく、付き添う人、巷で探して自分の好きなあるいはそうに食べたいものは考えなくても、食べ方は、好きになったを食べました.

p> <杭州のラーメンは美味しい、からという宋朝南遷に中原を地域のラーメン食べに連れてきた杭州法.長年の発展を経て変化して、今杭州のラーメン食べ方や中原地域が違うが、根からいっても、秩序の伝承.ただ杭州杭嘉湖平原に位置して地域、物産が豊かで、四季がはっきりして、河川網が発達して、河?が多くて、これらの地域の特徴は杭州のラーメン具には反応.江南の新鮮な麺南下の進化の過程の中で、次第に北麺は比較的に単一の重口味食べ方は、地方ならではの、江?が現れて、河?、湖鮮や四季の鮮の南方麺の特色.あと少しと違うのは、杭州の麺でアルカリ水面が多く、食べたのが筋で滑るさっぱり.



p> <杭州の朝食はとても豊富で、うどん、饅頭、?ササゲ、ワンタン、長揚げパン、ハンブルクなどさまざまだが、多くの人がほめそやす.私にとっては杭州の麺の特有情?.1990年代初期、西四そこに1家の奎元館、売ったのは杭州のラーメンは、通りかかった時に入ってラーメン食べたいではなく、劇映画川は大面、杭州のラーメンは美味しいと思う.1995年の夏、私と妻が杭州でぶらぶら歩いて、食べるのがせいぜい杭州のラーメンではなく、知味?は奎元館へも止まらないで一回も、街路小館の麺、私もおいしいと思う.杭州の麺と北京の炸醤麺、麺、?面スタイルを見せないように、北京以外のラーメン食べ方、わかった麺は華夏の多種の表現形式,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1240.html">adidas スニーカー</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1240.html.

[4115] 産後読んで性についての些事児連休竹?児新浪のブログ
お名前: qrst5282 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/nikeshoesjp-1107.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:13
p>と<,<a href="http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/loewebags-3208.html">ロエベ バッグ</a> http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/loewebags-3208.html;安産性生活に深刻な影響があって、私は何もないように大きな影響を受け、もちろんこの影響がない条件は自分を必要する努力.




様々な産後のリハビリ治療:今の医学はとても発達して、多くの関連機器や治療方法は私たちを助けるために自分の体の機能を回復して、みんなが自分の状況や経済状況のいくつかして適切な治療を助け、産後の速い属性の身体を回復,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1222.html">ブーツ 通販</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1222.html.しかしぜひ専門の産後のリハビリ医自分の体の状態を把握して専門を探して正規の病院で治療をしなければならず、逆専門可能.



[4114] Some people meet and something Hao Dongxi Dorje Si...
お名前: nopq0867 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/givenchybags-4305.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:13
's coincidence: he is also a photography fancier, and burned. Have their own darkroom, and only film in black and white. I asked her: the children said he is "home visit", then you have time to develop the films with scan? Your wife doesn't complain? He said: I, they all fell asleep and then crept up in. Uh, well, forget that he said he likes to sleep in the long haul aircraft. Now the original can also save ah of what, with camels store water different approaches but equally satisfactory results, in order to hobby, really not easy.

about the so-called "business class", in fact, is because I too love beauty, but did not advance to the airport, but later on the way to the airport in the face to the traffic peak, almost by accident machine. Because of a hurry, so go business counter check-in, incredibly so muddleheaded free up a cabin, sweat (high difficulty and high risk action, do not imitate)! Then sat down on the next to mr.. A successful man is a gentleman, very good, a year and a half the time is flying in the sky; but the price is: his children the most happy is my dad with integral miles for gifts to "see" their...... A technical background, and make management and marketing, EQ that high ah, from the plane I began to put luggage, talked to the aircraft is not the end, until the talk to my gate, he went to his gate......

"business class" encounter


originally this gentleman just from the China back from vacation, visited Beijing,<a href="http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1308.html">アシックス アウトレット</a> http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1308.html, Harbin, Tianjin and Chengdu, ha! In China many Chinese are eager to help him, he know >

saying that I was too greedy beauty, so a bit after the worry, in the street with a map look and see. He rides his horse in the life the most important ocean catch up from behind me, ask me in English Is it right? Looking for what place. Here,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1224.html">adidas スニーカー</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1224.html, a sentence: "Poland people's English is really let me worry about ah". I basically equal to an illiterate and deaf people in Poland: cannot read notice, did not understand what they say, people do not know what I mean...... No wonder Poland Asian tourists rarely, Action English very inconvenient here. The post office these seems to be specifically for local services, is an English word can not say; but in a star hotel front desk, you say a little life a little words, they lost...... So, can hear English really suddenly find salvation feelings, did not think of him in that I'm Chinese, saying in Chinese "hello"! Good strong!

finally, funny thing happened in the plane. Since there is no direct call to the terminal, so I'll sit car ferry. The two of us chat to finally off the plane, the plane is still beside you give me a piece of, I to take a photo for you. To the ferry vehicle's driver had to come in please, we got on the train, we were like two naughty children do bad things like the happy laughter...... Of course, stay in contact with each other, I still wait for him for me to shoot film portrait close-up!

[4113] More terrible than animal oil and vegetable oil nu...
お名前: ijkl8411 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/christiandiorbags-3307.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:12

in the daily life, contains a lot of food trans fatty acids,<a href="http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Electrics/E238/bottegaveneta-1723.html">ボッテガヴェネタ 長財布</a> http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Electrics/E238/bottegaveneta-1723.html, such as cakes, cakes, biscuits, bread, India cake, salad dressing, French fries, potato chips, popcorn, chocolate, ice cream. Egg yolk pie...... Who is soft and sweet, taste the unique oil (vegetable butter, margarine) food, contain trans fatty acids. Food packaging general food label list elements such as called "cocoa butter" and "margarine (margarine and margarine)" and "hydrogenated vegetable oil", "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil", "hydrogenated fat", "refined vegetable oil", "hydrogenated vegetable oil", "hydrogenated palm oil", "solid vegetable oil", "butter", "artificial butter", "white cream" or "shortening" that contain trans fat.

you know, eat lard, butter, suet and so on who can freeze solidified animal oil, diseases caused by high blood lipids, hypertension, diabetes,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1205.html">adidas スニーカー</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1205.html, near the hardening of the arteries clogging, eventually becoming the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Animal oil will cause hardening of the arteries because it contains saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids can increase blood lipids, causing vascular sclerosis. So we think that vegetable oil than animal oil. But I tell you there is more terrible than animal oil and vegetable oil, vegetable oil through hydrogenation will produce a lot of trans fatty acid. The harm of trans fatty acids than saturated fatty acids on the human body harm is greater, let us know what the trans fatty acid.

The harm of

trans fatty acid source:

trans fatty acids:

2. hydrogenated vegetable oil, hydrogenated vegetable oil compared with ordinary vegetable oil is more stable, solid state, can make food look more beautiful, soft texture; and animal oil compared to cheaper, but in early twentieth Century, people think of vegetable oil with more health than animal fats, hydrogenated vegetable oil is cheap and the "health" of the place animal fat at the time was considered a progress. Trans fatty acids most from hydrogenated vegetable oil.

3. high temperature frying food, vegetable oil after repeated frying produces trans fatty acids.

1. obesity: trans fatty acids caused the degree of obesity was 7 times normal fatty acid. Trans fatty acids are not easily digested by the human body, easy to accumulate in the abdomen, leading to obesity. Like to eat French fries and other >

1. ruminants: natural formation of the trans fat -- mainly exists in the example and a kind of fat from ruminant animals and milk inside, for example -- conjugated linoleic acid, this kind of trans fatty acids in the nutritional management of classification is not considered harmful to the human body of trans fat, but classified as saturated fat.

trans fatty acids of vegetable oil hydrogenation modification is produced in the process of an unsaturated fatty acid (modified oil called partially hydrogenated oils). This process can prevent oil deterioration, change flavor, fatty acids and trans fatty acid containing at least a trans configuration of double bonds, namely C=C with hydrogen at the sides, and cis fatty acid type structure of the C=C binding only on the same side. Trans fatty acids than the human body essential fatty acids.
[4112] How to return the expensive jade a su Qin Sina blo...
お名前: tuvw8269 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/christiandiorbags-3311.html 2015/2/23/(Mon) 10:12
and I broke up with him because, he think I requirements are relatively high, and some of his strength, and I think he is a bit stingy. Breaking up the day, because mistime one's remarks, I just in the network and when he said good night to say "goodbye", he felt it was broke up. I what to call, send text messages he doesn't respond. Also said "well, we don't fit". After half a year after he took me from the QQ also pull the black.

would like to ask you to analyze, whether I should help mother put jade back? In addition, personally I contact him, still let mom find he want? I should how to do more reasonable people can accept ah, he is very kind to face the people. I belong to be caught in the middle of the role now. Alas,<a href="http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/sunglassesjapan-2413.html">レイバン サングラス</a> http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/sunglassesjapan-2413.html, in fact, he had never seen my mother, just once and my mother by phone, I also by phone and his mother, he is a foreigner, love when his mother almost from the far south to come to see me, so that was really love is true.

later spent more than a month, my mother helped me pick out a piece of beautiful jade gave him, as a token of love, he received very happy very like, when I went to the train station to station, summer also gave him a piece of watermelon, invited him to dinner, he said: "you know, you piece of watermelon to me than the jade more than eating touched me." It is very touching, but jade is very expensive.

I and former boyfriend talked about love for more than two months, is dating network of understanding, has been separated for almost two years,<a href="http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/fendibags-3105.html">フェンディ バッグ</a> http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/fendibags-3105.html, when he fall in love at first sight to me, then I will fall in love with him. He belongs to the Phoenix man, and I met for the first time when shopping, that I want to buy a Huang Shuijing jewelry, second will see me and gave me a yellow crystal bracelet. When he said that online shopping about Wu Baiyuan, but I later on both sides of the Changjiang River walked a lot of jewelry store did not see the same, but there are a lot of imitation is the same. Not that the suspect the value of something, after all, is his mind, he said he spent half a month's living expenses to buy me.

recent years jade big price, mom said that piece of jade may turn over dozens of times the price, now at least worth tens of thousands of, so my mother always wanted to put the jade for back. As far as I know, he has a woman now, do not know Is it right? Married. But it is clear the relationship between the other half. If mom is also very easy to find him, place of work is OK, but I always feel, is the last thing, when two people are really in love, if something back, too hurt feelings. Although have no feelings, but not a destroyed each other's past that point of thought? Or even the memory of the best to erase? I really do not know is good. Separated logically speaking, the exchange, put things back is also very normal, but he has always refused to have any contact with me.

tangled ah, after all, jade for my mom, they should at least give my future husband, at least to his family. But the jade of this thing, give a person, can also come back?

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