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[3982] 外国要人「講演控」の翻訳崩壊ワールドニュースミニブ...
お名前: opqr4154 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.silvaspastry.com/images/_vti_log/coach-baggu-pop-outlet-10.html 2015/2/22/(Sun) 01:26

2009年9月23日、国連総会で開催ニューヨーク.カダフィアメリカでオバマ大統領の後で演説し、これは彼の政権は40年ぶりに国連での会議で発言,<a href="http://www.thaidances.com/catalog/data/gucci-bags-outlet-16.html">グッチ アウトレット</a> http://www.thaidances.com/catalog/data/gucci-bags-outlet-16.html.スケジュールによって、各指導者の話をコントロールすべきは15分程度だが、明らかに、カダフィ自分の国連デビューを表現するのがかなり興奮.








最近注目リビア情勢、リビア指導者・カダフィの進退にも決定リビア情勢の鍵,<a href="http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-48007.html">シャネル アウトレット</a> http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-48007.html.西洋からに武力外交の各方面のしきりに圧力は、カダフィ大佐はときどき出現公的の場でサポーターの士気を鼓舞する.ただ、これまでと違って、最近カダフィ毎回露出基本も演説ではなく、彼の娘は世代を講演.カダフィ大佐が好きで講演し、彼はかつて国連で一気に94分演説をしたので、プライベートの通訳当時崩壊場.としての要が暗殺され、も立候補は大会に出席し、講演は日常の仕事の一つ.彼らの講演や熱意、または非常に感染力が、中にはどうしてもも少し冗長で味気ない.



[3981] おいしい料理----小海老の夏のぼせニガウリを炒めてき...
お名前: tuvw2421 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.laramiecountyrepublicanparty.com/events/mcm-japan-t-44.html 2015/2/22/(Sun) 00:26
1 .用意して原材料;海老頭殻から第二、三日に爪楊枝はエビ線えり分ける;3.洗いの海老塩で、姜片、酒やデンプンを均等に漬け、4 .素焼きの鍋にお湯を加えて適量の塩と何滴油、下にニガウリ?水,<a href="http://www.itcc.or.th/images/forder/bottega-veneta-pop-outlet-5007.html">ボッテガヴェネタ 財布</a> http://www.itcc.or.th/images/forder/bottega-veneta-pop-outlet-5007.html;


9 .盛碗の中に.

<,<a href="http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25006.html">ルイヴィトン アウトレット</a> http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25006.html;時」「エビ炒めゴーヤ】


1 .海老頭殻から後楊枝で二、三節えり分けるエビ線をきれいにして、処理の海老の塩を加える、姜片など事前塩漬け混ぜ;


3 .炒め時先に辛子炒め変色、エビと海老の後の下に?水>


5 .熱い鍋の涼油、下に剛でき上がったエビ炒めます;6 .海老が赤色に後の下に剛茹でた水のゴーヤ; 7.炒め幾下後加入塩などの調味料、8 .最後に水を加えて薄いオニバスでんぷんフックで;


2 .ゴーヤ?水は予備処理は熟して、炒めて時間の短縮を取り除くことができて、しかも部分苦味;
[3980] 香港街頭祝いの新春気象七月人形新浪のブログ
お名前: opqr8234 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.stjosephschoolfreeburg.org/images/christian-louboutin-shoes-outlet-42.html 2015/2/22/(Sun) 00:25







p>,<a href="http://www.laramiecountyrepublicanparty.com/events/mcm-japan-t-46.html">MCM 店舗</a> http://www.laramiecountyrepublicanparty.com/events/mcm-japan-t-46.html;★この<,<a href="http://www.nicproducts.com/images/prada-bags-t-38.html">プラダ 財布</a> http://www.nicproducts.com/images/prada-bags-t-38.html;お金の座の人は必ず来てつけつけ喜びとか、この赤ちゃん上に座って多いかもしれないが、未来の企業家と成功商人だよ.

に連れて行って買った香港、広州東は赤が騒いで貝マット燈保??抜い?聳????≡???蕩踊矢うそに同じ豆?型?気絶して?醜い室が壊れ憔褪せ親?托チェサイド鵲剪むこけ???勇こけ????笞???巴?愀肥溜め星?下鞍を出せ??憔太っ蓖?道そびえる?コシアカキジグアニジン材?∠℃攣いたる?くさび??雑?頤を切ってき∈この速皇?病5?銃憔湃肥が臆する??トールミサゴ竅に起きる夕食?焙煎???嫡ナナリーを絞って倍?吸い取る鏡に刺され?ファン?眉副こ助けネ?愀?暮毒虫腰掛け腋?ね…皇窃玖調和腕自慢をする黄??蝗晃頤を問う統閃舜乾くと募金行を?恕N芸?私彩を叩いてぼろぼろに??蝗ハ愀??昊アシル型??悦淮??尤ズQ??昂盗む鮮欠け?彩献潘?カーテンまで終わるように夜.隻桓からと言って騒ぎ攣縄謝氾屯????/ P>



[3979] The Republic of China Hu Die Paltrow and Zhang Xue...
お名前: lmno6947 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.airbagsystems.com/images/Shop_online/hermes-bags-t-10006.html 2015/2/22/(Sun) 00:25
Brilliant performances, gentle and honest, proud and beautiful and elegant, as three of the last century,<a href="http://www.silvaspastry.com/images/_vti_log/coach-baggu-pop-outlet-12.html">コーチ アウトレット</a> http://www.silvaspastry.com/images/_vti_log/coach-baggu-pop-outlet-12.html, forty's China film best top stars. The darkness of society and the suffering of the nation to temper her strong character, for "dance events" that framed, she can also understand the important principle thoroughly, subdued. In 1933 March she was elected to the "Republic of China the first movie queen", "Daily Star" ready for the coronation ceremony for her, but she declined, she replied: "when the national calamity serious period, please cancel the coronation ceremony, Zhu Chenghou love, actually I don't deserve it." She had numerous awards, across the "silent" and "sound" two times, but also make the Chinese early film to the world. Hu Die moved to Hongkong in 1946, 1966, 1975 Vancouver celebrity, settled in canada. After 80 years of the last century, Hu Die began to write his memoirs, she recalls her colorful acting experience in this book, also commented that upset her "nine, one eight" night of her far away. In this case, Hu Die has been calm: "I and Zhang Xueliang not only was not met, then also not seen, really have never met before. In 1964 June, I went to Taiwan to attend the Eleventh Asian Film Festival, also had a reporter asked me not to see Zhang Xueliang, I said: 'visit is not met, neither would not have met.'" This conversation Hu Die published in the newspaper, Zhang Xueliang said: "how come a day." In 1985, Hu Die of 77 years old have a wish, if health conditions allow,<a href="http://www.aignerconstruction.com/images/_vti_log/gekiyasu-shop-t-41.html">アウトドアショップ</a> http://www.aignerconstruction.com/images/_vti_log/gekiyasu-shop-t-41.html, she hope some day in the future can return to that made her famous and leave her youth of Shanghai, revisit one's old site, and fans people reunion about old times. However, her wish to achieve. In April 23, 1989, a generation of movie star Hu Die in Vancouver due to a stroke complicated with heart disease died, walk through her 81 years of extraordinary journey in life, she left the last sentence is: "the butterfly to fly away......" Terry Gou: put the order to rival http:blog.sina.com.cnsblog_4bdc7dbf0100elj9.html Liu Yiwei: casual life, money Youdao http:blog.sina.com.cnsblog_610f41ad0100eo4g.html work "emperor" Tang Jun family http:blog.sina.com.cnsblog_4bdc7dbf0100el2z.html transformers goddess robbed Vitoria 12000000 http:blog.sina.com.cnsblog_610f41ad0100eru5.html Duan Yihong Ady Ann of Royal endorsement "Star Health http:blog.sina.com.cnsblog_610f41ad0100er83.html

in the Shanghai Office of Ma Junwu also filled with indignation, wrote down "the isles of Shenyang" poem. Ma Junwu published the poem, it is said that Zhang Xueliang also had "the unpleasant things". He founded a private university in the Republic of China Peking at that time, Zhang give financial support customer desire
[3978] 金正日を中国に世界を見てワールドニュースマイクロ博...
お名前: pqrs9875 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.silvaspastry.com/images/_vti_log/coach-baggu-pop-outlet-13.html 2015/2/22/(Sun) 00:25


も台なじみの特別列車牽引車、オレンジ、深緑色の車両、中に座っている北朝鮮の最高指導者金正日は1年以内に第三回中朝国境を越え、疾走して.外国メディアの報道によると、5月20日から、金正日は中国が展開した7日間の訪問を長距離は、長春、北京のこの2基の北の都市、揚州、南京などの南方の都市も彼の足跡,<a href="http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25015.html">ルイヴィトン アウトレット</a> http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25015.html.今年の前に2回金正日訪中だけ東北や北京短い滯在が違う.

5月23日、韓国のメディアの報道によると金正日揚州を訪れた江蘇省にある県名経済開発区は、太陽光、風力発電設備、金属板の加工、生物、医療、保健品産業構成の工業区.聞くところによると、金正日の集中を見学した太陽電池、液晶パネルや自動車などいくつかのハイテク企業.24日、金正日に南京到着、見学したパンダ電子集団有限公司,<a href="http://www.airbagsystems.com/images/Shop_online/hermes-bags-t-10010.html">エルメスバッグ</a> http://www.airbagsystems.com/images/Shop_online/hermes-bags-t-10010.html.午後2時05分スタート、北京を訪問し、特別列車.

[3977] 187000 What is the urge to rise the cost of marria...
お名前: pqrs4590 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.aignerconstruction.com/images/_vti_log/gekiyasu-shop-t-41.html 2015/2/22/(Sun) 00:25
decoration is the first unifies the Shanghai Wedding Association and Wedding Expo Organizing Committee to provide data, 187000 yuan "the wedding cost" is mainly composed of a new house decoration, furniture, home appliances, jewelry, wedding, honeymoon constitute.
"new homes decoration is the re." Wedding Association staff to accept life weekly reporter telephone interview said, according to the survey, the new people invested nearly 60000 yuan in the decoration, accounted for nearly 1/3 of the total cost of marriage. "Is about the number." Mr. Yan Wei confirmed to reporters. Yan Wei is scheduled for May this year to get married, is in full swing in the pipeline, "busy smelly die." He revealed that he spent 35000 yuan for decoration. Light see overhead is not big, but his marriage room is relatively small, only 40 square meters, so according to the price per square metre, not lower than the average level of.
then decoration exactly is what? "60% in the bathroom and kitchen, the key is to use ceramic tile is good, 100 yuan per square meter." Chen Yi (a pseudonym) get married in October, she said that their new homes decoration fee is 60000 yuan, 100 yuan per square metre of ceramic tile is. "But the area is large, the cost of natural high." From the scale,<a href="http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25010.html">ルイヴィトン アウトレット</a> http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25010.html, Yan Wei and Chen Yi decoration fee, do have to "get married" cost of three into.
next is to buy furniture and appliances cost. Wedding Association staff to reporters analysis: the purchase of furniture and home appliances is about 40000 yuan, 4000 yuan, wedding wedding ring on the yuan, wedding banquet at least 30000 yuan, plus the dress, the honeymoon, "constitutes a 187000 yuan." As long as the decoration cost deduction, investigation of this group of data and Wedding Expo Organizing Committee of the results is very close.

187000 and 130000, respectively, what is the concept? The former Guangzhou and more than 50000, is two times that of Harbin; the latter in Hong Kong and Taiwan and do many things at once. These or the 2009 data, since this year the wedding market fire explosion sustained momentum, "record" is not difficult to.
actually in the beginning of twenty-first Century years ago, the Shanghai people's "the wedding cost" still hovering around fifty thousand or sixty thousand yuan, did not think of or more than 80 after the youth "consumption rate" faster, drive in the group of young people into the marriage hall before the towering -- this threshold can be high enough, this threshold is how a high method? "Life Weekly" joint survey done happy net, 445 of respondents in 416 people feel "high", including 72 of the people said "not able to get married".

if the plane to buy a car,<a href="http://www.aignerconstruction.com/images/_vti_log/gekiyasu-shop-t-44.html">アウトドアショップ</a> http://www.aignerconstruction.com/images/_vti_log/gekiyasu-shop-t-44.html, the purchase cost, Shanghai people married once to spend how many money? Shanghai Wedding Association launched the national marriage questionnaire data display, Shanghai average each couple married to spend about 187000 yuan. If the marriage room decoration expenses are deducted, how much money to spend to get married again? Shanghai Wedding Expo Organizing Committee gave the answer is: about 130000 yuan.

Wen Tang Cheng Hua / map data
[3976] The tabloids, vanishing first financial weekly Sin...
お名前: ghij4846 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.firelate.com/compartidos/empresa/ugg-australia-boots-t-19.html 2015/2/22/(Sun) 00:25
such knowledge to become the "New York times" are irreplaceable emotion link. "I know people in the community would like to know something from us." Miller said, "people care about their children's schools, sports and crime."

you can take this >

, journalist Xu Tao

but this job is not an easy one: Miller and three other colleagues that day will receive 500 or so e-mails, may come from the local government, police stations, schools and various businesses. They put the summary information were selected and placed in a similar information in columns (NewsBriefs). With more and more information push, the intensity of work in recent years than in the past a lot of, sometimes have to work 50 hours a week. "Is but the reason I like this job: I know my readers in where, I make the content is useful to them," Miller said, "I feel I am in the service of others."

A reader survey data,

Miller as executive editor in QueensLedger, this is a only in the western part of the Queens Borough of New York city newspapers, weekly, with 48 pages, the total circulation of about 30000 copies. In the foreign population is numerous, complicated language community, the newspaper served only to those who use English as their daily language readers, they are usually white, FlushingMeadows Corona Park in Queens living in the west.

The front page of a newspaper

Miller gives more detailed definition of the crowd: 52% of families with children in school, a private school in 83% families with children at the Sporting Club Hotel, 85% fixed reader has three pieces of credit card, and more than 67% have health insurance,<a href="http://www.penangplace.com/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-5009.html">ルイヴィトン アウトレット</a> http://www.penangplace.com/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-5009.html, and, 65% of the people are the owners.


"is of course the ordinary children's news." ShaneMiller said, he hesitated and added, "unless it's Obama and the ordinary children chatted days, he can be on the front page." Finish saying oneself laughed.

Miller looks very young. Before doing a community tabloid, he studied flood study at a University of tennessee. But he just wants to do the media, then came to New York to look for opportunities. Now in QueensLedger's work "is not very poor, but it is not very interesting",<a href="http://www.peckrealty.com/httpdocs/agents/bottega-veneta-t-5010.html">ボッテガヴェネタ アウトレット</a> http://www.peckrealty.com/httpdocs/agents/bottega-veneta-t-5010.html, but he also does not have the child, the family burden is not heavy.

as an editor, Miller on "what is the big news" judgment standard is different to the "New York Times" or "Wall Street daily" news, and Fawkes are not the same. The Middle East war or the Greek debt crisis in his opinion may not community in bad light important. In New York and throughout the United States, there are more similar views and his peers, because they both worked community newspapers (CommunityNewspapers).

American, exactly is Obama's news or put a common child of the news?
[3975] 私は米軍の空母八年(58)---初めて海海の戦いの犠牲...
お名前: hijk4670 [li716-178.members.linode.com] http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/monclerjackets-1412.html 2015/2/21/(Sat) 22:47


で戦争して、危険はない、実は誰に何が起こるかを知りますか?今回海、損失した2つの海兵隊のパイロット、飛F-18戦闘爆撃機の.具体的に何があって、どうして起こったの、人に教えて、私達は仕事の小兵、私達と言っても何もないで.しかし私は船の人の話を聞いて、これは私が聞いたのは必ずしも、本当に、彼ら出かける飛んで任務のあの日、ちょうどあらし天下沙は、SandStorm、それらの砂のレーダーに彼らを割ってしまって、さもなくば糊で、役に立ちませました.彼らは必ずしも自分のレーダー仕事をしないで、彼らはちゃんと見てレーダーかもしれないが、実はもう見えない人.彼らは任務から帰った際、何機が、前に何機、後は何機、ひとつの自分で.落ちた時、彼らも空をめぐって枠、そして、また、機1機降下空母上.しかし彼らの時を回って、天候の影響で、彼らはレーダーに示されていない相手なので、二人とも相手の飛行機を見ていない.軍艦どうして知らないでもない管、本来彼ら自分管だろう,<a href="http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/salvatoreferragamo-3611.html">フェラガモ バッグ</a> http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/salvatoreferragamo-3611.html.二人とも前に人がいないと思って、直接曲がってきて、実は彼らが2つに咲いた.飛行機は速いなど、彼らを見てその間に合わない、相手をよけて、結果は真正面からぶつかって1元.

た2機の飛行機が帰ってこない、空母打撃群のあの2星の将軍、すぐやる捜索や救援(SearchAndレスキュー)、全力を尽くして.私たちは私たちを送信でき、ヘリコプターの派遣も行きました、彼らは水に落ちたところを探して、海の中,<a href="http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/newbalanceshoes-1311.html">ニューバランス スニーカー</a> http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/newbalanceshoes-1311.html.潜水艇も来て手伝っている私たちに、また別の船が来ました.みんなはブロックは、少し調べ.飛行機にブラックボックス、水に落ちて、さらには信号が、パイロットの背後にある椅子も、1台の発信機なら、彼はスカイダイビング、合図するので、1、2日にしましょう、私達を二人の遺体を探しても」

[3974] South Korea KTV, what are the Chinese song Seoul g...
お名前: klmn4089 [li716-178.members.linode.com] http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/todsbags-3906.html 2015/2/21/(Sat) 22:47
night, village landmark - the modern department store at crossroads bustle, people from coming from all sides, and to the west of the eight party dispersed, in such a position exchange to achieve a life. Remove the day reserved, Seoul night added some vivid, a little tired, shiny face, appear on the night of the expected

waiting area layout princess style, long hair fluttering "Princess" sit here waiting, gentlemen waiting at the door, so that a girl in love is the most happy, to cherish this wonderful time

today's destination is the home called "happy story" karaoke rooms, a minor celebrity of the KTV chain,<a href="http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/givenchybags-4301.html">ジバンシー 通販</a> http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/givenchybags-4301.html, Chinese characters English combined, and with "history" homophonic, name of the extraordinary

in Seoul village, University Avenue Princess wind KTV voice

elevator door open, eyes bright, thought it was entered the hall door who, even slippers are ready

Seoul Village area "happy story" Princess wind KTV

want to sing, to take off your shoes. South Koreans in the home had been the "floor" of life -- barefoot walk around the room, and with the lying, the KTV is likely to create this kind of family atmosphere, let people get relaxed


first arrived in South Korea, due to no South Korean song, go with friends Biao song is somewhat boring, most of the time in the study of song, or holding a bell ripples. Then forever can only sing a song: "sweet", this song because Korean singer song, in South Korea can be said to make known to every family, I spent nearly seven years, has been practicing this song to the point of perfection in one's studies.,<a href="http://www.itcc.or.th/major/montblancpenshop-2605.html">モンブラン 万年筆</a> http://www.itcc.or.th/major/montblancpenshop-2605.html, either a cappella or various versions of the accompaniment, can instantly be nothing difficult to digest. Later, with the gradual expansion Chinese forces, especially the increase in the number of students, practice song room near Seoul universities have increased the separate "Chinese song" directory, let me have put down the bell grabbed Mike's opportunity, but to sing sing, love is the song "sweet honey", but until now has not from first to last all over a Korean song, this is probably the so-called accent not change hair change......

village alley everywhere "(KTV)" signs

KTV is a Korean barbecue, shochu, nightlife laosanyang, national characteristics and to South Korea's KTV business is well developed, especially the karaoke room gathered greatly small distinctive university nearby, or in the underground or high. Yonsei University where the village area is South Korea after 90 and Metrosexual fashionista together after school recreation ground, here click or literally swept on a few, almost every visible "(KTV)" flashing signs, these three words are in my life the first Korean language acquisition.
[3973] 私は賭け今夜記録(8月10日)?也夫新浪のブログ
お名前: defg1996 [li716-178.members.linode.com] http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1227.html 2015/2/21/(Sat) 22:47
ロンドン碗の中の全世界の最も期待の記録はボルト.明らかにボルトが自分のそろばんは、ゆらゆらされない.可能性はすでに傷病の体を守るためにも、可能性は他のはっきり言えない理由.筆者は賭博をするが、今晩4100メートルを記録.これは動力、動力は、微妙にこれまでよく誤読のもの.例えば戦場戦士一生懸命何のために、宣伝には祖国のために,<a href="http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/christiandiorbags-3303.html">ディオール ショップ</a> http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/christiandiorbags-3303.html.ますます多くの事例を披露して、必死でとても大きい程度の上ではチームワーク:殺し敵は自分の生存の最高の手段になる、連隊真心から団結する最高の保障個体生存.小雰囲気は実際には大理する当事者の行為.今夜は百メートルを持って試合にとっては、2つの要因がそろっている.アメリカリレー虎視眈々.今回の百メートル、悪くない、ジャマイカ冠軍を手にした,<a href="http://www.modescrystalfashions.com/All Catalog Crystal/Shop_online/miumiuhandbags-2002.html">miumiu バッグ</a> http://www.modescrystalfashions.com/All Catalog Crystal/Shop_online/miumiuhandbags-2002.html.しかし3、4、5名はそれぞれのアメリカジャーターリン、ガイ、ベリー、彼らは誓う、リレーを雪ぐ.そこでブレイクなどの兄弟はきっとバンドルボルト:金メダルあなたボス一人を味わったか、小さい兄弟もメダルを手伝う.この金メダルを持っていけない??とアメリカチームが一生懸命、という記録告破.また小さな判断.私は北京五輪は予断ボルト走って第三棒、案の定、彼のために練習して200メートルの出身で、好走カーブ.今夜はこんなにも.彼は走って第三道が増えた記録的な可能.もし彼は走って、第四棒、彼の最後の10メートルの大半がカバー、第三棒諒彼がない、申し訳ない小さい兄弟.ちなみに、両チーム破の可能性もありますが、ほとんどは障害??落ち棒.

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