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[3545] 河北省?源県小川村水害寄付ドキュメンタリー---- 2012...
お名前: stuv6305 [] http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/sunglassesjapan-2402.html 2015/2/17/(Tue) 20:57
は大河の河原で洪水に見舞われ、大きな木を徹底的に圧倒されて、像は1階のカーペットを敷いた.は距離に圧倒される10メートルの木の不足、一世帯の住民の河原で林の中では養豚場の建設、洪水に流された全体の養豚場と210豚,<a href="http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Electrics/E238/bottegaveneta-1711.html">ボッテガヴェネタ 長財布</a> http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Electrics/E238/bottegaveneta-1711.html.可視住民の水害完全に気を許して.



を組織した服装、塩、インスタントラーメン、そうめん、米、小麦粉、ザーサイ、薬用石鹸、薬物、タオル、トイレットペーパー、蚊取りなどの物資.その間@瓦礫フォン、@ Swunukと@秦疆原計画投入房山部分に救援物資も転じて今回に河北献愛の活動の中で、最も早い救援物資の一つ.


苦い経験、水害対策もおろそかに損失が発生する原因の一つ.長年には起きていないが、この川の流れは写真のようにただ流れ、村人たちもなかった防犯洪水の意識、気を許した村人は、あり甚だしきに至っては川で堤防を建立した家屋で、これらの家屋がかつて阻害した洪水下泄、これで最終的に洪水が徹底的に違法建築流され、小さな石段だけを殘して.小川の上の1基の石畳の橋が流され、村板では小橋臨時に接続する,<a href="http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/furlabags-3708.html">フルラ バッグ</a> http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/furlabags-3708.html.


今回の災害救援活動の最初の発起人は新浪微博ブロガー@ミニブログ菜食後、ネットに広がり、彼女は組織の第1陣の救助隊は7月29日携帯の第1陣の救援物資が届き小川村を調査した被害.当日参加救援の北京大学の学友IMBA @北京大学国際任?と@ミニブログ菜食と一緒になって8月4日に救援活動の主主催者を得た@索南?智、@北京-オレンジコーヒーなどのユーザーの多くの支持.
[3544] Lingyin Temple Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits N...
お名前: fghi1530 [] http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1225.html 2015/2/17/(Tue) 20:57

red dates

30 million copies of Laba porridge, light is raw material to use up to 50000 kg. Lingyin Temple Zhaitang responsible for decocting Laba porridge volunteers, all numbers to me: glutinous rice, red bean, 10000> 12000 Jin;

now Hangzhou people eat Laba porridge, wish more blessing in it. This day every year, Lingyin Temple,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1207.html">adidas スニーカー</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1207.html, Yongfu temple, Jingci temple, law temple, temple, temple, the method of mirror, Xiangji temple will free porridge, the temple also open free of charge (not including the klippe Lingyin Temple scenic spot ticket).




annual Lingyin Temple Laba porridge are very popular, they are prepared to endure 30 million this year. In part by 200 a number of volunteers and the master, this two days have to school, children's welfare homes, homes for the aged and elderly homes. There's a part on the Laba Festival day, Lingyin Temple is not only the site construction porridge; Jianggan District, Shangcheng District, Xiacheng District, Gongshu District, Xihu District, Binjiang District, Xiasha economic development zone also have community porridge, you can receive nearby.

Lingyin Temple Abbot light Quan Master said, Lingyin Temple Shi Laba porridge, is that in the fast pace of modern life, so that everyone on the recovery of the traditional festivals of the warm,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1202.html">ブーツ 通販</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1202.html, feel the charm of traditional folk. At the same time, is also the Lingyin Temple a letter of gratitude Shi, to serve the society and to people for peace.

Lingyin Temple 30 million copies of Laba porridge boiled opened specially put less sugar and let everyone eat light point

Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits earliest is actually "a vegetarian meal". In ancient times, the monks use case to go begging, pick back to the temple. Food to spare, will the meal of dried. To the Laba Festival morning, porridge made of, we return. Therefore, folk has "Millennium cold cylinder rice, a day Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits" argument.

of Adzuki Bean

[3543] 2012年11月27日、香港黄易新浪のブログ
お名前: klmn3075 [] http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/dolcegabbana-3013.html 2015/2/17/(Tue) 19:05











物語が彼女をめぐって気味悪い出身、歩ん殘忍な血の即位の道、思いきりの色彩の下の寂しさ、ときに権力帝座も慣れた時、不朽の渇望と追求を展開する,<a href="http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/monclerjackets-1410.html">モンクレール アウトレット</a> http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/monclerjackets-1410.html.


の間自分の作品だから一段迂回古?の深い記憶の中で、検索できる?幼約旱納脇あけ胤17 . 2 %??/ SPAN>

君か知ってるという酔い芙蓉の花、葉作の多角形、咲く花のように大きな平手が、最も特異はこの花に夜を純白、日転ピンク、数疑は二種類の花,<a href="http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/paulsmithbags-2802.html">ポールスミス トートバッグ</a> http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/paulsmithbags-2802.html.




[3542] The controversy long-term drinking Soybean Milk ge...
お名前: opqr0328 [] http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1313.html 2015/2/17/(Tue) 19:05
originally "beans may increase breast cancer" is derived from 3 points of view: 1) beans contain high plant estrogen isoflavones (phytoestrogens); 2) the incidence of some women with breast cancer are due to estrogen sensitive; 3) plant estrogen and estrogen similar structure, so the plant estrogen will follow the example of estrogen play a role. These biochemical knowledge and awareness of the disease based on,<a href="http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/loewebags-3207.html">ロエベ バッグ</a> http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/loewebags-3207.html, some professional institutions and experts "have" to support or oppose this view (such as AmericanDietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada).

shell posted a very good article: long-term drinking Soybean Milk get breast cancer? Author Ruan Guangfeng, wrote a popular science article are of very high quality, recommend you to read this article.

here to add some of the background story:

is like similar but not the same key, phytoestrogens and estrogen also competing for a lock, unlock the chance but lower, so the cancer can be reduced.

but from the beginning of 1990, people have a deeper understanding of the plants in the plant estrogen, population-based epidemiologic data more accumulation,<a href="http://www.humboldthr.com/_vti_index/hotbrandbags-3816.html">3.1フィリップリム バッグ</a> http://www.humboldthr.com/_vti_index/hotbrandbags-3816.html, gradually proved "beans can prevent breast cancer, and to improve the survival rate of the patients with breast cancer". (see details shell online light front article )

people have an understanding of the process of some of the basic medical and health problems, many have the correct understanding to be questioned, was finally overthrown, and even prove that is the opposite of the situation is not rare. This iterative process validation is an understanding of the development and the progress of science! Scientific progress is often one step back, then two steps forward development.

, which is also reflected in the different experts on some nutritional problems of different and even opposite understandings, in fact different expert knowledge update speed, or the science of different stages of progress understanding is not the same, each other's views will not be the same as the inevitable. The argument can be that is not, but not malicious attacks, in order to have a good communication environment. (this is mainly to see some people personal attacks between science and hair >

scientific progress is always one step back two steps forward.


plant estrogen and estrogen although similar structure, but it's not the same. If say to open a lock, let the growth of cancer cells to become a scourge, then

the story behind that?
[3541] 入り口すなわち化香りソフトもち淮?有名な料理「獅子...
お名前: nopq3506 [] http://www.penangplace.com/images/banner/givenchybags-4301.html 2015/2/17/(Tue) 19:04
生活有?候平静的可怕,不知道什??候会出?什?事情,在享受平静的同?,心中会短?的??一?警?,??中的居安思危?,<a href="http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/celinebags-1309.html">セリーヌ 通販</a> http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/celinebags-1309.html,平静真好,<a href="http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/todsbags-3906.html">トッズ バッグ</a> http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/todsbags-3906.html,可是有?候又是那??人感?空虚,?人感?毫无价?的存在,像一具躯?,茫然行走在?灰?土?的?筋水泥?林中,一心想告??一切,告?的方式就是悄然消失,无声的告?,然后独自行走在?一条自己向往已久的道路上,在?然行?的路途中不?会有拉着??非常??的中?蒙面商人向我打着招呼,他?向我兜售石油,5??一?,?五十??的免??洗个?做个保?,我含笑婉拒了,再往前走欧洲中古世?的?甲武士扛着方天画戟擦肩而?,我最喜?他?,不兔回?多看了几眼,?果糟到他?的毒打,?走了我的???肉,但是我不疼,我也不哭,生活的磨砺?我?得?常??,擦下嘴角被打出的口水接着行?て、1度の大法要を、私は少しの横目で1を見て、元はファラオの葬式で、全身の包帯中へ送って、この体に山椒八角シナモンの漢方薬の材料がいっぱい掛かっても、サフランのように、本当に、本当に金持ち、元のミイラはベーコンか、分かった、しかし私すでに看破、無心無視これらへ、私も私の旅は、それは私の国で、最後に唐三藏、私は彼にどのようにとりました経験ニュージーランド辺?彼は孔乙はすでに伝え林黛玉は死んで、彼も生きたくなくなった、私は林黛玉とお前死んで彼のお母さんが半分角関係、彼はただ絶えず涙も大動、私は聞き悟空か、彼は悟空天宮袋をざっくり地境児、収駐車代かという何か??、は二度と彼に混じって、あれは先日托塔李天王の縁起の良い新型どこかで三日がなくて、お金は、悟空なぐった、塔にも壊してしまったのか、水の訴訟を勧めることに長けている、私は三蔵は、非を争う必要はない、むしろ私と一緒にされ、まだ、仲間が、さもなくば朝晩餓死して、彼は私に聞いて食べたのですか?私」

[3540] Portugal have grapes, mountain demon Sina blog
お名前: qrst7093 [] http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1213.html 2015/2/17/(Tue) 19:04
P4 old Oporto a 'broken' alley, in a place like this, reckons Potter will have sorrow taste

P1 on the Douro River, once used to transport Wine ships, has become the symbol of Oporto

Du Luo mountain, so far, nearly 2000 grape cultivation history. Since eighteenth Century, because produce wine Potter (Port) is well known in the world.

P3 de Duero, always full of the winery 'signs' -- hung his' cover' ships

to Portugal, two hair students half seriously asked, Portugal did any grapes?

people often confuse Oporto and Bordeaux. But people do not like Wine. Believe that they not only know French in Bordeaux, also know Oporto in portugal. 'you can didn't like Potter wine,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1212.html">ブーツ 通販</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1212.html, but can not do not know Oporto'.


from Oporto east along Du Luohe and go, is on the Douro valley area, namely the Douro River upstream, there are large tracts of grape park. These beautiful grapes, often grow between steep mountains, constitute the grape terraces spectacular.

(seemingly) so far, the world and the grape and wine related to world heritage, five, Portugal monopolized the two Oh (2001, Portugal on the Douro Wine origin; in 2002, Hungary Wine origin Tokaj; in 2004, the Portuguese Pico vineyards; 2006, Mexico tequila agave plant area area and early tequila brewing facilities sites; in 2007, the Swiss Lavaux vineyard terraces type)

has a grape, natural, little not Wine. In the upper Douro area, paddy fields, and scattered in the Mountain Winery, houses, constitute a unique landscape. In 2001, the region was called 'Heritage': "Alto Douro Wine origin".

to Oporto, there's the answer to the question. Oporto will tell you, the Portuguese have grape!

Potter, it is because of Oporto (Porto) and the name of the. Potter wine fermentation and fortified process in the Douro region,<a href="http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/salvatoreferragamo-3617.html">フェラガモ バッグ</a> http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/salvatoreferragamo-3617.html, will use a name >

in fact, this question, I really wanted to, Portugal is grapes?

P2 has picked a vineyard ('pretend to play the Yu', this is not the last of the Douro region vineyard)

music, multi queen Amalia Rodrigues singing fado
[3539] 私の家の宝物の飲食の記録(二)??おいしい魚の栄養士...
お名前: efgh8777 [] http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1314.html 2015/2/17/(Tue) 19:04
,<a href="http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/fendibags-3110.html">フェンディ バッグ</a> http://www.wedgegroup.com/images/fendibags-3110.html

p〉〈時は> <第一、少ない刺:






子供に調理魚肉べきで蒸し方式は良くて、こんなにおいしいだけでなく調理の魚肉味はさっぱりしていて、しかも栄養保留完備して、非常に赤ちゃんの消化吸収.私の家の赤ちゃんは一番好きのは非魚だんごしかありません.次に私教えを請って家でおいしい健康的なおいしい魚だんご,<a href="http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Electrics/E238/bottegaveneta-1719.html">ボッテガヴェネタ 長財布</a> http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Electrics/E238/bottegaveneta-1719.html.






[3538] Don't make excuses! After cessation of weight gain...
お名前: uvwx3392 [] http://www.silvaspastry.com/_vti_index/burberrybags-3501.html 2015/2/17/(Tue) 19:04

of the people surveyed from the beginning of 1971, accept the regular physical examination. The main research staff collected data are weighing, body mass index, cholesterol and blood glucose levels, and their smoking habits. They carried on the analysis to the data found that the average smokers and non-smokers and those who quit smoking for over four years or longer in every four years on average 1 to 2 pounds of body weight change. Those who had quit smoking four years, adding more weight, about 5 to 10 pounds.

results indicate that smoking although will lead to weight gain, but the benefit is greater than disadvantages. The fact proves, in this study found that after quitting weight gain and no imagination in so much, they are just a few pounds,<a href="http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/salvatoreferragamo-3611.html">フェラガモ バッグ</a> http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/salvatoreferragamo-3611.html, if assigned to the body actually not obvious fat. The study is published in the Journal of the American Medical association.



researchers found, people without diabetes after they quit smoking, heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular death risk was reduced by about 50% than smoking, so weight increase and decrease will not affect disease risk. People with diabetes, to be especially careful to weight gain, but no matter how much weight, their risk of cardiovascular disease production has been reduced. In the course of the study, a total of 3251 people participated in this on the later has milepost sense the Framingham Heart study.

in the first detection of them, 31% of people smoking in the course of the study, in the fourth test, which is about 20 years later, only 13% of the people are still smoking. The researchers also introduced to, after it is usually within the first six months of quitting smoking can increase on 7 to 13 pounds. We now know that each increase in body mass index of five units, cardiovascular disease mortality rate will increase 40%.

but access at about 25 years of tracking, the researchers found that participants in the 631 pieces of cardiovascular events occur deterioration occurred in 337 (53.4%) is the heart of the problem, 147 (23.3%) because of a stroke, that is to say a small proportion because of weight after quitting smoking cause cardiovascular deterioration, because there is no people with diabetes and long-term smoking cessation is 68% less likely to have heart disease, and even long-term in people with diabetes, there are 60% less likely to have heart disease, non smoker is 85% less likely this disease.


when the wife let husband to give up smoking, husband always move to gain weight after quitting smoking will be increased, because obesity can lead to various diseases say the words, then the wife is unable to fight back, after all is for the sake of his body, if you quit after the emergence of these dangers,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1220.html">ブーツ 通販</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/cheapshoes-1220.html, but also Dutch act better than chronic. However, starting from today, the word may not work, because now, a new study suggests the risk after smoking cessation, weight gain does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or death, even if they have diabetes.
[3537] ?行???QQ1774341692
お名前: klmn1032 [] http://www.csgzyhk.com 2015/2/17/(Tue) 18:20
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[3536] ?行???QQ1774341692
お名前: stuv8648 [] http://www.csgzyhk.com 2015/2/17/(Tue) 18:20
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