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[3130] 上海人の結婚式コスト調査 ;結婚40年かかる271倍...
お名前: abcd8104 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.airbagsystems.com/images/Shop_online/hermes-bags-t-10009.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 05:05
p>と<結婚一体いくらかかるか.家を除いて、家具、内装、これらの可変要因に加えて、記者に準の新しい人々を打ったように、あるダイヤモンド高級ジュエリー顧問?瑞芳は記者に教えて、ここ数年、上海新人買って70ポイントのダイヤモンドは比較的に多くて、色によって、価格は普通は3万元ぐらい、比較的に年に比べて、約20%の利得.個人販売経験から、普通は毎日各販売コンサルタントの販売は2?3ダイヤモンド.そしてペアリング、PT素材で、価格は5000元ぐらいで最も人気がある.それは計算して下りてきて、光のジュエリーの標準、3 ,<a href="http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25016.html">ルイヴィトン アウトレット</a> http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25016.html. 5万元に達する.


数年前で、上海市のブライダル業界協会成立の全国新婚調査の結果:現在上海新人結婚の平均費用は、前世?70年代の結婚にかかる271倍.そして最新の1部の嫁さんをめとるコスト調査で、上海で妻をめとる人が200.82万、もしも男は家庭で30万の財産、夫の年収6万元、最後に男性が資産を飲まず食わず仕事が28 . 5年に上海の妻!

結婚していくらを必要としますか?9元、1枚の結婚証明書の費用は、数十万円ですか?上海の結婚生活週刊誌記者に市場調査を行い、かんなに家、装飾、家具、普通の新人結婚にかかる標準で約12万.p〉〈時は> <?牧図文資料
p> <お金を話して傷感情は感情を話し、傷のお金ですか?忘れたときから、私達はゆっくり信じたくない幸せは簡単な事で、その意味が広い、混在しているものが多い,<a href="http://www.beasport.com/champions/class2a1a/miumiu-bags-outlet-19.html">ミュウミュウ店舗</a> http://www.beasport.com/champions/class2a1a/miumiu-bags-outlet-19.html.そこで私たちはいつも恥ずかしくない素直だが、恋愛と結婚は当代はコストが必要な.結婚はいくらですか?ある人は9元で、気前が良くて、洒落た女子生徒が証明当日慷慨に一言結婚してください.と言う人もいますが、数十万も足りない.実はいくら言っても、鍵をあなたはどうしたいの生活.

[3129] 600万大学生「流れ」はだれが反省?苦いの美しい新浪...
お名前: nopq4762 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.camaroclubkc.com/images/_vti_log/bottega-veneta-sayihu-t-8002.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 05:05
p> <人が買う時私も注意して、一人の私と同年輩の学友、買う時問店員の声に特に小さい蚊音とたいして違わないで、その人は逆に、公明正大で、もちろんこれを買ってもない犯罪、なんでとして賊みたいに?私は彼らが今どんな表現で、その時は、男女間の情もこのコンドーム使い捨てみたい消費終わりですか?はずっと生活コンドームの影の下で?

近日、1組のデータが目立つのは、大学生についても、中国では毎年人工流産回数は 1300 度、その 25 歳以下の女性半分以上は、 600 万、大学生になって高発の人,<a href="http://www.babikow.com/images/new-2009/celine-baggu-outlet-6.html">セリーヌ 店舗</a> http://www.babikow.com/images/new-2009/celine-baggu-outlet-6.html.大学生に対する「



無知不敵となって流産の要因.その中の1つの更に重要な原因は私たちは?少年教育の欠乏.いくつかの大学大学が学生に性教育段階に行われており、一部の学校もいない類似の課程,<a href="http://www.paleenconstruction.com/images/paleenmanor/boots-tenpo-t-49.html">ブーツ 通販</a> http://www.paleenconstruction.com/images/paleenmanor/boots-tenpo-t-49.html.性教育のに至って何から始めた人形を更にアラビアンナイト.また、教育の欠如も反映し、各方面に、家庭教育の欠如、親は子供を与えない正確な指導は、社会保障メカニズムを与えることができないのさせ、リスクが大きすぎて、一緒にこの現状.リスク回避と一緒に努力が、全社会ではなく、ひたすら非難した.


[3128] A I love the city's cat Sina blog
お名前: rstu0252 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/sunglassesjapan-2402.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 04:59
(as a Viking girl advertising is Irish Tourism Bureau, "this time they had been invited")

think Vikings built city now has become the cradle of artists and poets, was born and bred, the Irish people seem to be more patient and meditation to experience life rhythm, also let the Dublin a lot less continental European Metropolis impetuous and noisy. Here is Swift, Bernard Shaw, Yeats, Joyce, Beckett and other literary hometown, and I love Wilde. They integrate excellent creation talent and strong country complex as a whole, and create a beautiful bright star for the English language and literature. In such a cultural tour of the city, each site is a clue, guide me further found that heavy heritage in dublin.

(University of Trinity College)

the Irish capital Dublin,<a href="http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/sunglassesjapan-2408.html">レイバン サングラス</a> http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/sunglassesjapan-2408.html, when the Vikings first foothold, but are now filled with elegance and warmth. The center of the city and had to wear flow of the river Liffey (RiverLiffey) the city is divided into two parts, the two sides are row upon row of bars, restaurants, hotels, and the various uses of the buildings of ancient Rome, modern and classical fusion together, each place is suitable to appreciate slowly. Looking at the centennial, let a person feel the long history, rather than a dilapidated old. Each house balcony is decorated with flowers, narrow streets even car lot, also very quiet, not noisy feeling.

nature, leisurely and calmly, Dublin, whispers of a city story ,<a href="http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/nikeshoesjp-1115.html">ナイキ シューズ</a> http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/nikeshoesjp-1115.html.

Dublin: memories of a city

I like to walk along the river bank, count to 10 position north and south sides of the Strait are connected into a whole different bridge. Compared with the 2000 built "Millennium Bridge", once the Dublin mark "halfpenny bridge" (Ha 'pennyBridge, namely the Wellington bridge) is shabby, but open in 1816, but then can across the Liffey river only a footbridge. When the bridge is built, the pedestrian bridge notices that bridge tolls to pay half pence, then had "the ha'penny bridge".
[3127] 父の日??親父と飲酒黄?童健康栄養士新浪のブログ
お名前: abcd2296 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Electrics/E238/bottegaveneta-1720.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 04:59
私たちが知っているすべて長期大量飲酒、体に害が多い.しかし研究によると適量の酒は体によいかもしれない,<a href="http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/paulsmithbags-2806.html">ポールスミス トートバッグ</a> http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/paulsmithbags-2806.html.2002年の我が国の住民の栄養と健康状況調査の結果、45歳?59歳の中年の人の中で、毎日アルコール消費5 g?10 g可能性高血圧や血中脂質異常に役立つの予防.ワインに含まれる多種の植物化学物質、抗酸化作用を抑えることができます;ポリフェノールの血小板凝集を防ぐために、血栓症、心臓血管の疾病を予防や老化に一定の役割.しかし現在まで、適度な飲酒、心血管係保護作用やメカニズムを深く研究して尚.だから、提案しない誰かを考え始めて心臓病を予防する飲酒.




の食品のビタミンB群:動物の内臓、雑穀、牛乳、卵黄、キノコ類、アルコールは肝臓の代謝それらの助けが必要.>,<a href="http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/paulsmithbags-2803.html">ポールスミス トートバッグ</a> http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/_weblogs/paulsmithbags-2803.html;


また中国栄養学会提案成年適度な飲酒の限定値は大人の男性の一日を超えない酒のアルコールの量に相当750ml 25 g、ビール、ワイン250 ml、38度白酒75g高度白酒(40度以上)50 g ;成年女性日飲酒のアルコールの量を超えない15gに相当し、ビール、ワイン150 ml 450ml、38度の焼酎50 g.にもいくらかの酒好きだった人にとって、思う存分に感じないかもしれないが、健康のために、限定飲酒、より良い生活を楽しむ.



[3126] The old Beijing mood Home Dishes Zhang Weidong Sin...
お名前: uvwx4911 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/nikeshoesjp-1123.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 04:59
Toona sinensis fish

is a common species of Toona sinensis old Beijing people in the yard, so the old Beijing people most like eating Toona sinensis, and most of the predators no resentment of Toona sinensis. I'm afraid and "Chun Xuan" story, so the people of Beijing since ancient times, planting Chinese toon tree in the courtyard of the custom in.

Toona sinensis fish is golden and crisp, crisp outside and tender inside, use the following wine or with lotus leaf roll up cake food taste is the best. In addition also can use Chinese toon toon toon share do beans and yellow vegetables (eggs), toon tofu, Xiang Chunya noodles and do not belong to the occasion and the four seasons can eat dish of pickled Chinese toon etc..

first with pedicels ca. three inch toon bud with water wash control, put the flour mixing with water into a paste. To wake up to the batter after ten minutes plus a little salt, to control stem toon bud three pieces of a group into the batter evenly wrapped.

used to eat the rest of the cabbage bumps and planted to pots, on warm windowsill constantly watering every day. The variety of radish to eat the rest of the left head placed in a dish with water, placed in the table or desk can be considered for. The garlic skin with sorghum stalks of serially connected disc makeup, put the dish often water can grow into garlic, if planted in pots better president. "The red lantern" big radish dug heart water for cleaning the leek in bubble for the most characteristic, this also means that the next life flourishing rich. This is the garlic after wrapping with water bubble wash, then "the red lantern" big radish wash from the middle incision. The radish heart department with a fruit knife to dig into the bowl, with straw or straw into the Malian net pull rope hanging under the eaves wall flip in safe or cover door. Then the garlic code on the radish heart, fill the water soon after can be seen above grow garlic and radish sprouting shoots at the bottom of the blossom.

garlic fried egg

used in the fire sat iron pot into the peanut oil a pound or so, until the oil heat put wrapped in uniform three of a group of Chinese toon bud into the pot. For Chinese toon bud son setting in the wok fried croaker shape can be produced such as turn pot,<a href="http://www.humboldthr.com/_vti_index/hotbrandbags-3829.html">ゴヤール バッグ</a> http://www.humboldthr.com/_vti_index/hotbrandbags-3829.html, too much to avoid turning frequency, usually only two or three times, so that we can not loose, deep fry until golden yellow can out of the pot into the plate on the table.

"carefree": "the ancient big Chun, in eight thousand years to eight thousand years for the autumn and spring." Due to the large Chun longevity, coupled with the "Analects of Confucius" in "season's" a "hole I hastened the court by parent training" story, so the emergence of father called "Chunting" argument. And there are "mother" old name for mother, if parents can be called "Chun xuan".


can see the settings so clear in the home can feel for the vitality in the lunar January, this also is the old rich or poor, can have elegant life.


actually this disc leek scrambled egg is not simple, Beijing since ancient times, "Sui Zhaoqing for" custom. In the twelfth lunar month busy years regardless of Wangfu Zhaimen or well-off civilians must set clear for, except for those winter jasmine,<a href="http://www.itcc.or.th/major/montblancpenshop-2633.html">モンブラン 万年筆</a> http://www.itcc.or.th/major/montblancpenshop-2633.html, bergamot, citron, peony, peach, plum, wintersweet, wintersweet, such as narcissus flowers and cabbage, radish, leek flower flowers etc..
[3125] American free beer     why let people ha...
お名前: jklm5780 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-includes/images/wlw/salvatoreferragamo-3617.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 04:58
for example, freshly baked bread, chocolate workshop, real Coffee stores have "free from" (FreeSmell) a large poster, to stimulate people's nose, and touch the passers-by.

beverages for personal use, on the other side.

in the USA South Carolina busy city streets, some owners unable to put all things into the menu to make money, so I put up a pageantry advertising, free to send the guests.

is a master at lunch buffet (buffet), the teacher accept your meal ticket, accept your order, "want to eat this, I want that."

then we each driving a golf cart, travel around the island, very happy.

after satiate meal,<a href="http://www.silvaspastry.com/_vti_index/balenciagabags-3405.html">バレンシアガ店舗</a> http://www.silvaspastry.com/_vti_index/balenciagabags-3405.html, I suddenly found myself forget to master meal ticket, OK go, afraid of a little income he settlement:

in individual bar and restaurant industry, is playing with words, let visitors while rather to hip hop and return. The so-called free, sometimes just create an atmosphere, Happiness bychoice.

for fried chicken, braised Pork Chop, the other is Italy minced meat, corn,<a href="http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1231.html">adidas スニーカー</a> http://www.puda-international.com/images/adidasshoesjp-1231.html, tomatoes, black beans, salad, Mashed Potato:

2011 one day in late December, we bought $52 / person tickets, sitting Calibogue Cruises Tours & Adventures to black slave island DaufuskieIsland, each ticket includes a meal ticket.

got out of the boat, we rushed into the island of Old Daufuskie Crab Co. bar and restaurant, saw the red white sign that reads " free beer" (Free Beer), approached again, only to find that there are gray yellow note: yesterday (Yesterday). It is a big flicker wow.
[3124] 黄金の昼ニュージーランド大頭媽新浪のブログ
お名前: vwxy9152 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.itcc.or.th/major/montblancpenshop-2623.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 04:58
6、黄色で寝たふりをし、私はあなたを言ってね,<a href="http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/celinebags-1302.html">セリーヌ 通販</a> http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/_vti_weblogs/celinebags-1302.html



p> <昼、日当たりがいい.猫たちは昼寝.黄色は黄色人さんよく寝た、それはなんですか?


















22、俺が先に飲む.>,<a href="http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/marcjacobsbags-2203.html">マークbyマークジェイコブス バッグ</a> http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/marcjacobsbags-2203.html;





[3123] ヒート新派バスケットボールの最後まで頑張れました(...
お名前: tuvw2379 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/monclerjackets-1418.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 04:58
どんなに変え、試合の時は最終的にはスターに仕上げた、ジェームズとウェイドはダンカンとパーカーより幸い:彼らのヘルパー巴蒂?捨てた6つの3分球は、昨年の総決勝最後のミラーに放り込んで7つの3分球のようで、GDPのヘルパー格林が若くて彼は慌てて、想像の五場が前ように3分球を狂わせる、いかんせん双方の陣は小さくなって、熱烈な守備も変わった、外線の圧力が増大した,<a href="http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/nikeshoesjp-1122.html">ナイキ スニーカー</a> http://www.adhunikgroup.com/media/images/nikeshoesjp-1122.html.長い間に.しかしこれは第1回連続2で負けたスパーズ、吉?比利最後2曲サーブのミスの総数は12度.は、第6戦から、ヒートの第1回の本当の主導権を握った陣の変化、フィールド上のスタイルの主導権を、そして最後まで.明らかに、大四小のスパーズもっと大胆させてヒート拡出防彼らの外線、以前スパーズのこれによって自慢の三分球が消え、二つの球の三分効率は37の中で11(29 . 7 %)で、神投手グリム二つの球の3分の2(18 . 1%11中効率).波波?奇の??、目的はマッチング熱烈なスピードと線が、彼らが失ったのは自己の特色、その特色は前の五場も非常に鮮明.波波?奇は戦術大師と同時に経験論者、スローン以降、NBAを見つけることができません一方、同じチームで教鞭を時間長い監督.彼はよくスパーズ自身の長所と弱点、同時にも願って大胆に賭けの判断、例えばジェームズ遠投効き目がない、自信がない.だから、ジェームズまで入れて彼の第五三分球を前に、波波?奇も言いつけレオンシュナイダーとグリーンはジェームズ78フィート離れ.第1戦から第七戦、収縮バスケットの策略にも変わってないから,<a href="http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1337.html">アシックス アウトレット</a> http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1337.html.唯一のジェームズの本当の理解は??才ジェームズ、真に理解ウェイド.これは偉大なパートナーを経験した決勝まで東部決勝の揺れは起伏して、ボール権のずれを共有するまで、そして同時に第7戦が勃発し、彼らの爆発の方式は、かつて彼ら無様なシュート??ジェームズは三分線外遠投や、フィナーレ前27秒でのフリースローライン位置覚えてないのジャンプシュート;ウェイドは毎回肘(フリースローラインの両端に位置)の掩護後定点ジャンプシュート、ウェイドこの戦が命中した11球のうち6ボールは肘ジャンプシュート.2人の偉大な選手と手を組むの60分、一方の巨人博什拿分ない、こんな試合シーズン全体が探し出せない第二場.唯一の似たボールは、常規レイカーズに対して時、博什7分しかない、??と手を組むの66分.それでも、斯波監督は堅持し博什で、彼はヒート内線唯一も攻撃から牽制作用、守備にあと2メートル10以上の身長の隊員.博什は1分もないが、第四節は依然としてディフェンスダンカンの主力に加え、アンダーソンの手伝い、ダンカン43分の体力消耗により場(ベルト延長計44分)も多いので、巴蒂?ガードダンカンあのボール、博什は功労ですか?全体の7回決勝ラウンドは、意誌の力と知恵とヒートスパーズの二重の暗闘する、同時に体の取り組みは、あなたも新しい
[3122] Between countries how Dazui Zhang one read Sina bl...
お名前: efgh5021 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.humboldthr.com/images/_vti_log/timberland-boots-outlet-8.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 04:14
in the Japanese history, this is pretty serious verbal attacks.

countries quarrel with children quarrel road about: "you are bad", "you're the bad guys", "letter not letter I hit you!"

2 month 21 days, Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo visited the United States before the departure USA "Washington Post" interview. Andouble said in an interview: conflict with Japan and other Asian neighbors is China ingrained demand, consolidate its political support. Japan will stop Chinese "plundered the territory of his country".

a more intense situation held on 2012 Laos capital of Vientiane ASEM summit, it is government of Sino Japanese two countries for the first time in the International Conference on the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" of the problem of public debate.

the atmosphere of the venue was become quite nervous, presided over the meeting of the Prime Minister of Laos to "mediation", to stop the debate continues. However, when Noda withdrew to attend the summit talks, the Japanese Ministry of foreign affairs leave foreign review officer had filed the stubble, accused Yang Jiechi's speech is "malicious speech", a Chinese Foreign Ministry official has also made a hit back, saying "the Japanese plot is futile".

, Japan's prime minister, once again hurt the feelings of the people of China.

because of the many aspects of history,<a href="http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-10009.html">シャネル アウトレット</a> http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-10009.html, the territory of other complex contradictions, between China and "neighbors" Japan sometimes occur on the rhetoric of war. This leads to the Chinese foreign ministry had to frequently to respond forcefully, solemn representations with the solemn protest.

In May

the one read iRead reporter Xu Ran intern reporter Wu Meijun

2005, due to the recent visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, Okinotori Island, Diaoyu Island and a series of sensitive during friction, then Vice Premier Wu Yi's visit to Japan refused to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. At a news conference, the Japanese Foreign Minister Machimura Nobuko attacked China do "impolite", he said: "(China) even an apology is not said, the situation in the interaction between people, is not going to happen." The Chinese foreign ministry, the retort is that Wu Yi >

specific situation is this. Foreign minister Yang Jiechi in his speech stressed that the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory. In the next meeting, the then Japanese Prime Minister Noda Kahiko made a rebuttal, said: "the Diaoyu Island is inherent territory of Japan, Yang Jiechi again countered:" Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory since ancient times".

Japan about the attitude is not good, this is not the first time.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in response: (Andouble) openly distorting and attacking their neighbours, artificially created tensions in the region, with the aim of not to be divulged. China is seriously required Abe Shinzo to clarify and explain. As of February 26th, the Japanese did not apologize, but put the responsibility for Washington Post "Lai",<a href="http://www.courtyardseoul.com/package/moncler-jackets-outlet-35.html">モンクレール ダウン</a> http://www.courtyardseoul.com/package/moncler-jackets-outlet-35.html, says the report is not true, that causes misunderstanding.

"Japan's plot is futile"
[3121] I read in the erotic lost in the Journal of marria...
お名前: rstu9084 [li408-79.members.linode.com] http://www.puda-international.com/web-xby/news/new-balance-outlet-8.html 2015/2/14/(Sat) 04:14
"since childhood, my voice is sweet, and so the training my language expression ability has become the responsibility of the whole family. I often take part in the speech contest, like to read when feeling good, read aloud also gave me great confidence.

love from the wonderful beginning reading

Xiao Xiao's voice is really sweet, when the appointment with me on the phone, I could not help but be attracted to her voice. If she does not say he is the company accounting, I would guess that she is on the radio or audio station work.

." Xiao Xiao embarrassed over tea, unfamiliar environment or let her feel uneasy. I sat opposite to her: "Xiao Xiao, we have been talking on the phone, I hope this can help you." I come to the point.

"Thank you

"you can put your trouble to tell me, thank you for your trust. At the same time, I also hope I can help you solve the puzzle, let you be able to reply to a happy life." My sincere answer made her nervous tension relaxed down.


"so, this reading course of our achievements in the period of marriage. Since then, her husband became my only audience, but also is the most loyal fans. My husband likes to listen to me read to him, said, my voice has a delicate feelings and he is infatuated with, so that when we fall in love after marriage, I often hold a book or magazine reading aloud with which perceptual words,<a href="http://www.stjosephschoolfreeburg.org/images/christian-louboutin-shoes-outlet-39.html">ルブタン スニーカー</a> http://www.stjosephschoolfreeburg.org/images/christian-louboutin-shoes-outlet-39.html, but he often sat on the sofa with his eyes closed an enjoyment of die like. Every day in front of my husband read the wonderful feeling, make me feel the happiest woman in the world.

Xiao Xiao's beautiful also makes my eyes bright. I asked her to enter the consulting room, to the summer, is a cool blue my consulting room, sofas and curtains were replaced by blue, coffee table decorated with green. The receptionist Xiao Yu with glass end to tea, piece of tea floating in the cup is very good-looking.

"remember husband and love, I was so nervous that I didn't fit in the hands and feet. At that time is in a restaurant, I saw on the table a teahouse and nearby scenic area to introduce a single, take over, actually can not help but read aloud, is completely unconscious. When I found out he surprised, feel rude extremely, hate not immediately got up to leave,<a href="http://www.thaidances.com/catalog/data/gucci-bags-outlet-10.html">グッチ アウトレット</a> http://www.thaidances.com/catalog/data/gucci-bags-outlet-10.html, I thought this date some yellow. However, he applauded again and again, said my voice than a professional announcer still sounds good. Due to the long habit of reading, my Mandarin is very standard, when reading aloud, breathing, speed also can better grasp.

is." Xiao Xiao's expression hardened, "I do not say, if not that inadvertently see you here the address and telephone number, I think I would have been buried in the heart of the thing."

"marriage because we are busy with work every night before going to sleep, only time is our >

Xiao Xiao began her say......

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