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[2950] 秋冬の咳を止める小秘方??氷砂糖梨阿貝母煮込み幽薇新...
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[2949] 廃棄物の10分が間食のスパイシー煮」「餅消耗の砂糖の...
お名前: ghij9612 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.airbagsystems.com/images/Shop_online/hermes-bags-t-41.html 2015/2/12/(Thu) 02:53





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[2948] 蒸し魚しない生臭いの3つの小(???蒸しマナガツオと母...
お名前: stuv3040 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.firelate.com/compartidos/empresa/ugg-australia-boots-t-18.html 2015/2/12/(Thu) 02:53
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[2947] ?网店到那里找?源
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[2946] ?网店到那里找?源
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[2945] 肉まんは美しくて、すべて摺に??豚小包そろって家の小...
お名前: hijk4644 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.laramiecountyrepublicanparty.com/events/mcm-japan-t-37.html 2015/2/12/(Thu) 01:54


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[2944] 調いいちゃんやって美味しい無比のシーザーサラダ』『...
お名前: mnop3940 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-15007.html 2015/2/12/(Thu) 01:53
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[2943] Male teachers dance to help students decompression...
お名前: efgh1141 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.impactglasswall.com/images/chanel-baggu-outlet-35009.html 2015/2/12/(Thu) 01:53
I used to be the art students, as a teacher in the classroom a little dance, I feel also is very normal. I'm from the violin and dance Bel, primary school, school for ten years, the stage has been used. But then studied folk dance, dance is my now according to the online video learning, their own little adaptation of a bit. Youth weekend: you still class jump? Zhou Sicheng: jumped from 2005 to 2008, a jump of three years. But in the last year, the first is my own bodily injury, not long after the New Oriental and down a "dance to the limit". Because I'm dancing in the classroom with good effect, and some teachers have started in the classroom to jump. Some people say that New Oriental teachers have neither learning nor skill, by dancing in such a way as to gain some stunt, the impact of class. So the company decided to teacher can not dance again. From then on they rarely jump,<a href="http://www.penangplace.com/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-5012.html">ルイヴィトン アウトレット</a> http://www.penangplace.com/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-5012.html, instead, I will put some video in the classroom to the students, mainly before I dance video, and I went to Hunan and Taiwan happy base camp dancing video. - "say I like lotus elder sister also no so-called" although not an online evaluation,<a href="http://www.camaroclubkc.com/images/_vti_log/bottega-veneta-sayihu-t-8009.html">ボッテガヴェネタ 長財布</a> http://www.camaroclubkc.com/images/_vti_log/bottega-veneta-sayihu-t-8009.html, but evaluation of his Zhou Sicheng students are also good. He even has a group of fans. "People do not know Zhou Sicheng, read the best of MOP in vain." Even, there are people post asked weeks teacher what is the use of perfume. Originally, on the first day of a course, many people in the classroom, the air is not smooth, a little taste, Zhou Sicheng picked up a bottle of perfume to spray the whole classroom. His "act" to make the students feel very fresh. A boy exclaimed: "class feel comfortable, just a little ray. Let me very Lei this teacher is fashion to me shaking it, students attend class absquatulate, teacher to the boy said: O sunflower ~ ~ you sing a "Leo"......" In Sina blog, the reporter saw many students have become his fans affectionately call him "the thought to the teacher". A ID is a small red pig students shout: "this semester two classes you, 6000 words and four class, see you jump two times in Paris, but I'm still not bored. Because I really like you talking and dancing class......" Youth weekend: isn't it a student against you dancing in the classroom? Zhou Sicheng: at the end of the New Oriental each course, students will be given to the teacher evaluation score. In the past few years in the classroom and saw me dance before and after the students reached 20000 people, but this 20000 people no one raised against. In the New Oriental National 6000 teacher rating last year, my score was the first name. Youth weekend: if it is in the traditional school, you may not like this dance? Zhou Sicheng: everyone's character determines its own road of life, people like me, never think about the past college or secondary school, New Oriental is not likely to choose the kind of very stuffy College teacher. So I came to New Oriental, is a natural thing. Youth weekend: you thought not, the general impression of the teacher image, and you are completely different? Zhou Sicheng: maybe a lot of people will choose to step by step, hidebound. As for me, just do a guest own choice
[2942] 1分の努力収獲??自制水車餅(動画)Amandaの小さな台...
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4 .もちつき時搗れほど古いほど強力では、餅の食感がq
[2941] Officials wind drunk driving accident HEZUI law we...
お名前: tuvw8866 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.itcc.or.th/images/forder/bottega-veneta-pop-outlet-6.html 2015/2/12/(Thu) 01:52
Xu Xilong : the netizen is probably more of an emotional catharsis, is understandable, but as the judiciary, is certainly according to the facts and the law justice.

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- a topicDirector of

in Luoning County of Henan Province Postal Bureau Gu Qingyang drunk driving accident killed 5 teenagers. At present, Qingyang Valley on suspicion of the crime of endangering public safety has been approved the arrest. The families of the victims were given 230000 yuan compensation. The victim has also be laid to rest. But it is far from complete, the reflection of the case is still to continue.

Zhang Yansheng : actually, if from a lawyer's point of view, everyone is equal before the law. This is the most basic legal concepts. No matter what your status, or should be equal to treat.

anchor: rule of law over the weekend editor Zhu Yuchen

lawyer guest: Zhang Yansheng Da Yu director of the law firm

in Beijing City

Zhang Yansheng : officials of drunk driving and Gongjusiyong, retrograde, plus 5 teenager's life, 5 family happiness burst, this case has many interesting elements. The key of the fear or Gu Qingyang's official status.

"rule of law over the weekend": case of traffic accident is not uncommon, drunk driving accident officials also occurred, but like this time this tragic accident is the first time; after the disclosure by the media, quickly caused widespread concern in society, on the behaviour of the criticism is very high. The two lawyers to see how this thing?

official drink trouble killed five young

as judges and a free discretion in sentencing the case >

Xu Xilong : people pay special attention to this case has its deep social reasons. These years due to individual local government inaction and arbitrary conduct,<a href="http://www.aignerconstruction.com/images/_vti_log/gekiyasu-shop-t-37.html">アウトドアショップ</a> http://www.aignerconstruction.com/images/_vti_log/gekiyasu-shop-t-37.html, has undermined the image of a government official. Valley of Qingyang case is like a fuse, lit the people's discontent.

Zhang Yansheng: at the end of the day, or individual officials of government credibility is not enough. Coupled with the country is strike drunk or drunken driving, people have kept, you as a director of the problem but not paying attention, also has caused such malignant cases, obviously is committing the crime against the wind.

Xu Xilong Beijing Dacheng Law Firm senior partner

current theme: concern Qingyang Valley case

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