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The only thing I liked about that movie was the creepy song. Because that song was badass. Lol. The script for the film is being illustrated by Australian TV Justin Monjo ('Rush', 'Farscape'). Animation is being developed by Animalogic ('Happy Feet')."It really looks like a mix of 'Shrek' as far as the three Bone characters and their comedy, their Looney Tunes or Marx <a href="http://www.departmentchairs.org/Jbass.aspx">Cheap Jordans Online</a> http://www.departmentchairs.org/Jbass.aspx Brothers comedy set in a 'Lord of the Rings' world," Lin told Collider. "We met with several directors and we hope to come to a director decision by January and Jeff Smith has been very intricately involved in the development process with us."Lin also says the story for the movie will be drawn directly from Smith's books."If anything, right now we discussing how many books should be in the first movie and if we do things right hopefully there be multiple movies to tell," Lin said.

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